Storm-Wrecked Texas
Looking at photos of Texans, standing in the bitter cold, huddled under blankets, forming long lines for water and food, left me furious and heartsick. Have we become a third world country, where only the privileged are taken care of? The one redeeming factor to the Texas storm tragedy is that Ted Cruz was caught flying off to a 5 star resort in Cancun. I can only hope that the backlash will impact his Presidential run in 2024.

Most Texans were without power for days in freezing temps. While the power has been largely restored, most are without running water. This is a grocery store line.
A Disgusting Police Action
This past week when Portland, Oregon suffered a massive power outage, a Fred Myer grocery store, worried the food would spoil, dumped tons of perishable food in a dumpster. It included juice, chickens, eggs, fresh vegetables and the like. Local activists tried to retrieve the food to give to those in need, when they were roughed-up by the local police who arrested them, forcing them to give up their food, which then went to waste. Is this the lowest expression of profits over people?
Arty Snow Shot
Here’s a photo I took from my kitchen window, looking into my neighbor’s tiny courtyard with a red fence. I loved the way the snow melted, resembling bows on the fence.
Molly Ivins
This past week, I wanted to feel inspired so I went to Amazon Prime to watch the documentary about Molly Ivins, the celebrated Texas journalist. In her signature down home style she skewered Bush, Jr., calling him “The Shrub.” Similarly she went after the Texas legislature commenting, “If you want to study bad government the Texas legislature is the perfect lab.”
Granddaughter, Jane
My granddaughter, Jane, named after her maternal great grandmother, was 17 yesterday. One look at her and you can tell she’s an art student. She made the shirt and the lace-up sneakers were a gift from Nana, although selected by Jane. When I was her age I wore all black as well, prompting my father to ask, “Are you going to another funeral?”