WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

May 2019
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Thinking About Death

While I’m an elder, I hadn’t given a lot of thought to dying, that is until my brother, who’s 20 months younger, announced in a recent late-night phone call that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  (To preserve my brother’s [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub
April, 2024 7

Coming into My Own at 60

GUEST POST by TONI KIEF The day I turned sixty I collided with a shocking revelation. I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up! I was single again, living alone and on my way to meet my women friends for vodka and cake. The thought wouldn’t stop; it kept repeating. I drove to the party, and took inventory.  At eleven I wanted [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Breaking the Taboo on Loneliness

“I hate coming home to an empty house.  The silence can be deafening.”  “I can go days without speaking to anyone except the clerk in the grocery store or my mail carrier.”  “I rarely reach out to my friends when I’m feeling lonely because I’m too embarrassed to admit I’m lonely.”  “My daughter tells me to stop feeling [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Embracing Your Aging Body Can Be A Radical Act

Can you imagine a scenario where you, a vital older woman, actually liked your body instead of making it a battleground where you fret over your weight, wrinkles, and saggy boobs?  What if food wasn’t the enemy and sleepless nights had their own advantages?  What if you had practices for honoring your body? Body acceptance for the older [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub