WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

February 2025
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Aging Thoughtfully10

Let Me Off the Anti-Aging Merry-Go-Round!

I get it.  I’m not supposed to grow old because I live in a society that worships youth. My wrinkles, gray hair, sagging breasts, and flabby upper arms render me unacceptable. The anti-aging industry to the rescue.  Up-to-the-minute plastic surgery procedures, facial fillers, beauty creams and medical supplements offer remedies that play [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Home Alone at 70-Something

GUEST POST by TESSA CALVERT-LINNELL   Close the front door behind me, then turn on the lights and put the shopping away. Nothing will move in this house – not a chair or a spoon – unless at the touch of my hand. Nothing breathes but me – except for a few plants in pots and the occasional spider, because I’m one of millions of [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Aging With Eyes Wide Open

There seem to be three basic ways most of us adapt to aging:  with our eyes shut, with our eyes half open, or with our eyes wide open. The first group consists of those in denial about aging, like women who protest, “Don’t ever call me old!”   The second group is where most of us fall; some days we acknowledge our aging and plan for [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Dusting Off Your Dreams

I have a friend who’s been telling me for years that she’s going to take Italian lessons.  Another friend has a long-standing dream to visit Japan. For just as long every time I pass an art supply store I revisit my dream of taking up watercolors. We’re all members of the late-in-life dream club whose engine is stalled.  But it doesn’t [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Lessons On How to Die

When I mentioned to a friend that I was reading Katy Butler’s new book, The Art of Dying Well, her response was:  “That sounds grim.”  Another friend was similarly put-off, saying,  “I try not to think about death.  It’s too depressing.”   After finishing Butler’s book I felt anything but depressed. I felt empowered [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

The Older Woman’s New Power

Older women are feeling powerful as they discover a voice they didn’t possess in their previous decades.  They’re speaking up with a boldness and confidence unknown to their younger selves. Writer and blogger, 80 year-old Elaine Soloway has shed her passive aggressive self to take on verbal bullies.  The popular Australian writer, [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub