Chaos is a seductress, but peace is the real power.—Diamond-Michael Scott
Chris Hedges, the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, contends that Trump is intentionally creating chaos to unmoor us and advance his oligarchy agenda. The more we are stuck in shock and awe, the easier it is for Trump to advance his Right-wing agenda.
Marc Lamott Hill (L) interviewing Chris Hedges, warning of Trump’s deliberate intention to instill chaos (Al Jazeera)
Caitlin Johnstone offers this advice for keeping your balance:
The trick to being both happy and well-informed is making sure to expand your knowledge of your inner world as well as the outer world and learning to get comfortable with the apparent contradictions this illuminates.
Developing inner peace strengthens you to resist Trump. Feeling at peace with who you are gives you the ability to take in the news and not feel crazy while gaining the will to join those who are resisting. Cultivating inner peace quiets the agitated mind and restless body. It makes you stronger.
A woman at peace with herself while joining efforts to resist Trump
Frequently employed practices for achieving inner peace include meditation, time in nature, journaling, a gratitude practice and sharing the company of supportive, like-minded friends. For more suggestions:
Spending time with supportive friends who are fighting back offers inner peace and hope
Seeking strategies for managing our deeply troubling world, I asked the women on the WOW Facebook page how they’re coping. Here’s a sampling of their responses:
Leading a prayer service outside the ICE office in Philadelphia.
New Sanctury Movement of Phildelphia, for whom Eileen led a prayer service
We joined ACLU and donated to Amnesty International and make a regular donation to the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) – my spouse is a Vietnam veteran.
Paint a picture for every crime he is committing. Very creative time for me actually!
A painting by Caroline, who finds artistic expression delivers inner peace
I’m trying to balance staying informed with trying to keep my sanity. However, I’ve decided I’m not going to let him steal my joy so definitely trying to be grateful for those small moments of joy in my life, while trying to practice gratitude for all I do have and all that I am able to do and be.
Meditate every morning, practice kindness and calmness . . . limit social media, practice gratitude, love my family, and pray at night.
Meditation is a tool used by many to find inner peace
Speak out, fight when I can, and support others who do more.
Focus on the needs of the most vulnerable – $ for clothes & non-essentials should & will go to food banks, ACLU, Earthjustice & other solid orgs with a strong track record. No air travel. Self-care more important than ever: rest, healthy food, no alcohol, exercise, social time. #Gratitude for all working for the common good. #Humility #Love
Aid immigrant activists and tune him out as much as possible.

WE HAVE TO UNITE! We are in the midst of a coup d’état, people. When you hear about a march in your area, GO!!
I have acquaintances feeling too overwhelmed to do much of anything except to ignore Trump and live their lives as if he weren’t in the White House. If you’re among these, let me remind you that our souls are at stake. Tuning out won’t move us forward.
If we don’t respond soulfully by taking a stand against Trump’s immoral policies attacking migrants, the LGBTQ community, civil rights, free speech, Palestine and more, we are losing the opportunity to grow soulfully. We are abandoning future generations. This is the fight for our lives, for the soul of our nation. We need all hands-on board.

As an elder with a long history working for peace and justice, I can say with certitude, when I stand for humanitarian causes among like-minded cohorts, I feel alive. I feel hopeful. It is the best antidote I know for social/political depression. So, please do what you can. No action is too small if it moves the needle towards a more compassionate society.