For my end-of-the-year post I thought it would be fun to share some of 2019’s more popular WOW posts. These essays offer tips for happy solo living, a meaningful retirement, loving your aging body, fighting off political despair and becoming a badass older woman.
“How to be a Happy Older Woman”
This post reviewed Mary Pipher’s book, Women Rowing North. Pipher supplies vividly drawn case studies of older women who overcame adversity to discover peace and contentment in their later years. Pipher concludes that the key to late-in-life happiness is a positive outlook.
“Let Me Off the Anti-Aging Merry-Go-Round”
A polite rant at popular culture, which plays to the older woman’s insecurity about her looks by pushing plastic surgery, insane exercise routines, expensive vitamins and the like. I championed a new narrative of female aging where we reject the anti-aging BS and instead celebrate our hard-won wisdom: a commodity not for sale and denied to the young.
“Home Alone at 70-Something”
A UK blogger and WOW subscriber, Tessa Calvert-Linnell, writes poetically of her simple, contented solo life in this guest post. Tessa discovered that living alone has its advantages, and can be every bit as meaningful as life shared with another.
“Embracing Your Aging Body Can be a Radical Act”
I got on my high horse railing against our ageist culture which body shames the older woman, mocking her wrinkles, sagging boobs and other physical signs of aging. This post celebrates body acceptance and the freedom that accompanies it.
“Is Renegade Retirement Right for You?”
Susan Saint-Rossy, who addresses the emptiness many women feel when they retire, wrote this guest post. Rossy encourages the reader to tap into old dreams set aside when a career took center stage. Retirement is the time to pick up the paintbrush, take piano lessons or write one’s memoir.
“Badass Older Women Tackling Ageism”
This post was fun to write as I assembled stories of badass older women I know who are speaking up when they are ignored, or the recipient of ageist language, like being addressed as “young lady.”
“When Standing Up and Speaking Out Gives You Hope”
Mary Dunn wrote this guest post, describing how she overcame her political despair by taking up the cause of migrant family separations, with a focus on caged children. Mary has traveled to the border, organized trips for other volunteers and become a leading voice in Maine to end family separations. Mary is an example of how social action gives meaning to life after retirement.
“No Sex for Me”
This post emerged after a brunch conversation with two 70-something friends, who described feeling more contended once they renounced sex and dating, which proved endlessly frustrating given the short supply of Mr. Rights for the older woman.
“Remembering Friends Who Changed My Life”
Here I paid tribute to three close friends who enriched my life immeasurably. While they all passed a while ago I carry their life lessons with me every day.

My dear friend Zoe who died in 2011, was fearless in pursing her goals. When I falter, I summon my “inner Zoe.”
“The Trap of Being a Strong Woman”
In this essay I described how the strong woman label can prove isolating when the “strong woman” is perceived as not needing any help. Additionally it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy where the independent woman feels like she has to go it alone rather than reach out for help.