WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

January 2025
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Making Peace with Our Aging Bodies

Currently I’m vacationing in Key West, where I’m surrounded by young women, parading their toned stomachs in midriff tops. In response, I’m practicing positive self-talk to avoid falling prey to the cultural message that rejects the older woman’s body, which is no longer taut. Curious to learn how other older women feel about their [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Adding Joy to Your Life

Human tensions are running high these days. We’re facing global warming, an escalating war in Ukraine, racial tensions, and economic hardships. While we can’t control how life challenges us, we can control how we respond. If we pause and put the world’s problems on the back burner, we can make room for joy.  But how, you must be wondering? [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

When Your Adult Child Rejects You

“Out of the blue I received an email from my daughter saying she never wants to see me again.” “My son is very distant. When I reach out, he is verbally abusive, lobbing hurtful remarks that penetrate my very being.” “My daughter and I had a loving connection until she married.  Now she makes excuses whenever I ask to visit her [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Rest is Resistance

Tricia Hersey, author of Rest is Resistance, makes the bold claim, “Rest saved my life.” Hersey’s book was a Christmas present from my younger brother. We come from a family of workaholics, where our father labored in his office for long hours, while our mother exhausted herself with her endless household chores. We were taught that [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

I Cane, I Saw, I Conquered

GUEST POST by MICHAEL STEINMAN I’ve never been a sprinter.  And in the past decade, some friends have commented on my odd forward motion.  “You walk funny.  Are you OK?”  You could say I limp, or perhaps hobble.  A woman I was dating told me that she was “concerned” about “my mobility issues,” to which [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Where Have All the Peace Workers Gone?

One of the biggest news stories of 2022 was the Ukraine-Russian war. On a daily basis, the American public was flooded with heart-breaking stories of how Ukraine’s citizens were suffering.  Americans fell in line.  Blue and yellow flags streamed from front porches, shops, restaurants, churches, and synagogues.  Every single Congressperson [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Fear Of Not Conforming

GUEST POST by LISA SAVAGE As a blogger I enjoy hearing from readers even when they disagree with me. It’s an indication of reader engagement if someone takes the time to offer a critique. So, I was glad to hear from an old friend in response to a recent blog post of mine. “Tale of Two Broken Accords: Oslo And Minsk,”  written during [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Everyday Rituals

GUEST POST by JACOB WATSON While the events of our everyday lives are often repetitious, to see them as rituals brings the energy of the sacred to daily life. Years ago, walking in an urban park I sat on a bench to rest. I watched a fly buzz around my head and then disappear into the bushes. Suddenly, sitting down to rest was completely unique. [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub