WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

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Gaza, Granddaughter Jane, Signs of Spring & More!

Pat TaubPat Taub

Poor Gaza!

The past few weeks have seen 111 unarmed Gazan protestors shot by Israeli forces as they gathered at the Israeli border to mark Nakba, the day 70 years ago when Israel forced Gazans to leave their homeland.  Ever since they have been living under tight Israeli military rule in what many call the “world’s largest open-air prison.”  I’ve joined with Portland’s weekly protests to educate the public about Gaza while calling on Congress to stop using our tax dollars to support the powerful Israeli military and to demand that Israel be accused of war crimes for killing innocents.   Here are some photos from today’s protest where many WOW women were in attendance.


My Granddaughter, Jane

My daughter-in-law sent me this photo of Jane in an outfit she made, which she calls her “Bumble Bee” ensemble.  I love Jane’s originality and bold spirit in opting to dress differently from her friends.


More Bad News for Women

The latest attack on women from the Orange Monster is the plan to reintroduce Ronald Regan’s gag order where family planning services that receive federal money will lose their funds if they make abortion referrals.  Once again women have to fight the same battle for reproductive rights they’ve been waging for their lifetimes.


Spring is Busting Out in Maine

On a walk the other day I saw happy tulips and budding trees all around me. I ran into this charming group of preschoolers as they were returning to their French-speaking school, La Petite Ecole.  Each little person was clasping a blossom branch.  Such sweetness!


Gabrielle Hamilton wins the 2018 James Beard Award for Best Chef

I’ve been a Gabrielle Hamilton groupie ever since reading her remarkable memoir, Blood, Bones and Butter.   The memoir led me to her tiny 30-seat restaurant, Prune in the East Village.  It’s my go-to-place when I’m in New York.  It’s a crowded, charming eatery with delicious unpretentious food. Here’s a photo I took of Hamilton outside Prune last summer.












Pat Taub is a family therapist, writer and activist and life-long feminist. She hopes that WOW will start a conversation among other older women who are fed up with the ageism and sexism in our culture and are looking for cohorts to affirm their value as an older woman.
