Father’s Day
This Sunday I will mark Father’s Day, remembering both my father who died in May 1994 and my oldest son, father to two spirited teens, Jane and Max. The role of fathers has changed dramatically over three generations. My father was the traditional ‘50s Dad, rarely at home, working long hours as an attorney and never lifting a finger around the house. My son pitched in from the moment his first-born arrived. While David co-parents with his wife, Mel, he still needs to up his game. Hopefully his son, Max, will move the needle closer to equal parenting.

Father’s Day, 2019 with son, David and children, Max and Jane. My family can’t resist a humorous photo op.
Breaking Points
An addictive news podcast hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, available on YouTube. The hosts are well informed, making a concerted effort to be objective, while taking a deep dive into the stories of the day. Their probing analysis sets them apart from the corporate media’s tendency to offer sound bites and/or a slanted take on the news.
A binge worthy Netflix series from France, stars the charismatic actor, Omar Sy, as a clever criminal who, like James Bond, deftly gets out of improvable traps through disguises and quick thinking. Lupin is refreshingly devoid of gunfire and related violence. I can’t wait for season three.
A Compelling Read
Chris Bohjalian’s newest novel, “Hour of the Witch” is a page-turner, perfect for losing yourself on a lazy summer day. This well-researched historical fiction centers on 24-year-old Mary Deerfield, living in Boston in 1652. The story unfolds when Mary seeks a divorce from her physically violent husband. This was the era when independent-minded women were frequently charged with witchcraft and hung when found guilty. You will cheer for Mary and be inspired by her bold spirit.
Palestinian Children
I continue to grieve for the children in Gaza who are repeatedly traumatized by Israeli bombings and by Israeli demolishments of their family homes. The recent cease-fire doesn’t seem to be holding, given the newest bombings of Gaza. I’m always amazed at the resilience of Gazans, and long to have the international community make Israel accountable for what are clearly war crimes.