As we watch countries move farther to the right and leaders embrace fascism we see that there is something they have in common: punitive immigration policies. Trump’s closing speech of the RNC convention shows that he is no different. Vilifying those seeking asylum is something that has a long history in this country.
Watching Trump promise a cheering crowd to conduct the largest mass deportations in US history was chilling.
As someone who has been to the border, witnessed deportation flights, and stays in contact with those living and working there, it’s disturbing to watch the demonization of people. We know where this type of dehumanization leads. 100 years ago there were KKK parades in Maine which targeted newly arrived French Catholic immigrants.
One truthful comment from Trump’s speech was the fact that many arriving at the border are coming from destabilized countries from around the globe.
What was left out is that seeking asylum is an international legal right provided by agreements put in place after WW2, designed to prevent the horrors of that time from happening again. It seems lawmakers, and many citizens who support them, choose to ignore this basic human right. Everything else said about immigrants and immigration during Trump’s speech were lies intended to instill division, fear, and hate.
Those arriving at the border are not coming from prisons and insane asylums. They are not “invading” us. Such language is designed to dehumanize people so when violence is unleashed upon them the general public will support it. Data which tracks the number of people arriving at the border shows the number of arrivals has been stable for years.
Another lie revolved around crime. Statistics show that immigrants are responsible for less than 3% of crimes committed. 97% of crimes in the US are by citizens of this country. Sadly, our current president and administration support and continue these harmful anti-immigrant policies. Both parties are responsible for the inhumane immigration policies in place today.

Migrants are vital to the US food supply; 69% of the agricultural workers in California are migrants
What we know to be true: the borders are becoming more militarized. Private military, prison, technology, and construction companies are benefiting financially under these contracts. Those arriving at the border are desperate for safety and a better life for themselves and their families. They are moms, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, fathers, children, and grandparents.
Many arrive with flip flops on their feet. Hungry, thirsty, ill, scared, they have traveled thousands of miles to escape violence and poverty we cannot even begin to imagine. Young families have drowned in the barbed wire “wall” buoyed across the Rio Grande River designed to prevent crossings.
Many arriving at ports of entry are turned away without a hearing or legal due process. Many are separated from their family members and sent hundreds of miles away to for-profit private detention centers/prisons before being deported back into the hands of the violence they fled, or to countries other than their own.
Others, out of fear from rejection at ports of entry, choose to cross through the desert where the remains of thousands have been found scattered after succumbing to the effects of the sun and heat, because a wall made crossing impossible. Slow, painful deaths of people seeking their international right to seek safety from violence and poverty.
Hatred of “the other” often comes from fear. Fear caused by a lack of understanding of the violence and poverty they flee. Fear from not understanding who they are, where they are from, and why they come. I cannot identify any mainstream news media that educates us on the countries they flee, the historic US involvement in those countries, and the violence they live with. Instead we are subjected to hate filled rhetoric.
Deportation kills people. It separates families. It causes incredible harm to many who live good and decent lives. Deportations send people back to the violence they fled, which is illegal under international law. Deportations cause thousands to live in constant fear.
Mary Dunn is a retired educator and parent of two grown children. She has spoken and written on social justice issues related to our immigration policies and Palestine. Mary has worked with humanitarian organizations on both sides of the southern border and with the Maine Coalition for Palestine. Mary enjoys gardening and knitting in her spare time. Mary is pictured with her beloved grand dog, Morton