GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler...
Can I Live Without Email?
GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler Guide to Gm@il by Ceri Clark “Could I live without email?” The question popped into my head [...]
Surviving Family Holidays
As the holidays wind down, many of us have either returned home from visiting family, said our goodbyes to relatives we hosted, or are still in the midst of a family visit. Perhaps you’ve had to restrain yourself from challenging a hypochondriac aunt, a brother-in-law who slugs the eggnog and then become obnoxious or the boorish cousin who [...]
Solstice, Family Xmas, Murphy Brown & More!
Happy Solstice! Today marks the first day of the Winter Solstice. Ironically, it’s rain and not snow, which is gracing my city of Portland, Maine. The temps are in the low ‘50’s, feeling more Spring-like than Christmassy—another reminder of global warming. My little tree, which resembles a bush more than a Christmas tree greets [...]
Women Who Rocked 2018!
As we approach the end of 2018 it’s tempting to sink into despair over the political and social catastrophes generated by the Orange Monster. Trump steals the headlines with his crazed tweets, obscuring a growing body of female leaders and innovators. I garner hope from all the badass women who rocked 2018, putting heart and soul into [...]
Beating Back the Holiday Blues
If you live alone; if your family is scattered far and wide; if you recently lost a partner or spouse; if you can’t afford the plane fare to visit family or to enjoy a holiday escape, you may be feeling miserable and lonely, making you a prime candidate for the holiday blues. No one wants to feel left out, but wait a minute, let’s pause [...]
Turkey Day, Bush 41, Xmas Preps, a Great Read & More!
Thanksgiving Catch-Up Since I haven’t published a Short Takes for two weeks, I’m sharing a Thanksgiving dinner photo of yours truly flanked by my two handsome sons, David (with moustache), and Jonathan and grandson, Max. Absent are my daughter-in-law who took the photo and my granddaughter, Jane. Max was my sous chef producing mashed [...]
Turning into Mrs. Scrooge
This past weekend a friend and I went to the mall to get a head start on our Christmas shopping. The busy crowds and stores crammed with cheesy, over-priced merchandise had us bolting for the nearest exit. By the time we got to our car I was in full Mrs. Scrooge mode. I wish our over-commercialized Christmas could be erased along with the [...]