We’re seeing a new phenomenon in American politics in the emergence of progressive women office holders, who aren’t backing down when attacked by the male ruling class. It wasn’t that long ago when the tendency was for women in political offices to respond defensively to male critiques. Now that’s no longer the case. As Katha Pollitt, writes in The Nation, describing the new breed of Congresswomen, “We’re at the end of likability politics.”
When wizened fossil Joe Lieberman went after 29 year-old New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spewing, “I hope she isn’t the future of the Democratic Party. She’s too far left,” Cortez tweeted, “New party. Who’s dis?”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez championing a Green New Deal during a sit-down protest in Nancy Pelosi’s office
Cortez has shown though her progressive initiatives like the Green New Deal and a 70% tax on the wealthy that she’s not afraid to challenge the Nancy and Chuck playbook, who tremble at her socialist platform, preferring a corporate friendly approach to legislation.
Rashida Tlaib, 42, the first Palestinian-American to be elected to the House made history from day one in Congress, refusing the standard Israel-sponsored trip to Israel, saying she would lead a delegation to Palestine instead.
When taking the oath of office Rashida wore the traditional Palestinian dress, the thobe, a hand-embroidered gown. In solidarity Palestinian-American women across the country were photographed wearing their thobes.
The backlash was sky-high after Tlaib told her victory party, “We’re going to impeach the motherfucker!”
When roundly criticized Tlaib refused to take back her remarks. According to Media Matters for America, Tlaib’s comments about impeaching President Trump received five times more coverage on cable news than Rep. Steve King’s (R-Iowa) defense of white supremacy. Clearly an uppity woman is more threatening than an avowed racist!
The other Muslin-American to join the new Congress is Ilhan Omar, age 37. She is the only hijab-wearing member of the Congress, largely thanks to Maxine Waters, the California Democrat who spoke on the House floor in favor of members being able to wear a headdress. (Nice to see Big Sister/Little Sister support.)
Omar refers to herself as “Trump’s worst nightmare,” since she is both a Muslim and an immigrant.
Omar fled Somalia’s civil war with her family when she was just eight years old. After living in Kenya, she finally made it to the United States as a refugee at the age of 12. She became a US citizen when she was 19.
At her victory party, after being elected, Omar told her crowd of supporters: “Here in Minnesota, We don’t only welcome immigrants; we send them to Washington!”
When another confident new Congressman, Ayanna Pressley, 44, from Massachusetts eloquently challenged Trump on the House floor in her very first speech the backlash was immediate. Pressley called out Trump on his racism and indifference to poor Americans.

Ayanna Pressley kicking off her Congressional campaign with her husband and step-daughter–note the pride in the little girl’s face. What a role model Presley is!
Pressley is a gifted orator with a commanding presence who said: “I speak in opposition to the occupant of the White House . . . . I rise for the unheard.” In response the Speaker of the House censored Pressley for “engaging in talk of personalities.” As if all those old white conservative men never took on the White House! Double standards in play!
These newly elected female representatives give me great hope. They don’t mince words. They speak truth to power at a time in our nation when truth is at a premium. Their bold visions, which include not just a Green New Deal and taxes for the wealthy, but single payer health care, ending our out-of-control wars and family friendly policies are critical to our survival as a nation.