Spring is Here!
Today’s temps in Portland are climbing and are on track to pass 60! When I walked home from my morning’s Pilates class it was so warm I had to remove my coat. Crocuses are awakening as are daffodils. Thankfully my taxes are almost finished. If I can get them in the mail this afternoon, I’ll treat myself to my first beach walk of the season!
A Community Dialogue
Wanting to address the despair many are feeling in response to the mean-spirited policies of the Orange Monster, including the threat of war with Syria, Portland’s State Street Church has launched a Wednesday lunch time discussion group, “Coping in Troubled Times.” The intention is to offer area folks an accepting environment for sharing frustrations and for receiving support and understanding. The group will meet every Wednesday from 12:00 to 12:50 at 159 State St., Portland.

Dorothy holding a peace talking stick at last Wednesday’s discussion group, “Coping in Troubled Times.”
An Untiring Peace Worker
Ann Wright, the globetrotting peace activist was front-and-center again this week when she attended the hearing for Pompeo’s nomination as Secretary of State. Ann was part of Codepink’s “Pink Police” where protesters donned pink police badges and hats. In typical Codepink style Ann stood up in the hearing and denounced Pompeo for his record as a war hawk along with a history of being anti-Muslim, anti-Gay and anti-women—difficult to imagine a worse record!

Ann Wright being arrested by a capital police officer for shouting out her disapproval of Pompeo for Secretary of State
The Niceties
The newest production at Portland Stage is a two-woman play, The Niceties featuring a white Feminist professor and her African-American student. The press release for the play describes it as“an explosive discussion of race, history, privilege, and social justice.” If all goes well I will attend the play this weekend.
Upcoming Gatherings for Older Women Who Live In and Around Portland
I’m contemplating hosting gatherings for older women where we meet weekly or bi-weekly at a local coffee or teahouse to discuss topics relevant to our lives. Stay tuned as I work out the details.