Political Notes
Last Friday I joined in an action in support of Palestine; we were protesting 50 years of Israel’s illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. It’s always heartening to be with other long-time activists that I often don’t see unless we’re sharing the sidewalk holding our protest signs.
On Sunday I watched Risk, Laura Poitras’ riveting documentary about Julian Assange. She won critical acclaim and notoriety for her earlier documentary about Edward Snowden. Poitras is a courageous filmmaker who has faced lengthy cross- examinations when flying in and out of the country and has had her apartment broken into. I think I read somewhere that she’s moved to Berlin.

Protesting in Support of Palestine
Like Mother, Like Daughter
My physical aging seems to be following my mother’s to a “T.” Like her, I have arthritis and now I’m mimicking her with my newly diagnosed stigmatism, courtesy of a visit to the eye doctor this week. However, I hope the similarity ends here. I aim to approach death in a more straightforward way than my mother’s generation. I’m fortunate to be aging at a time when the culture is replete with books and discussions on facing death honestly and directly.
Beauty Politics
This week I gave into getting my hair colored in spite of (tentative) promises to my grey-haired friends to join their ranks and let my hair go grey. One of these days, when I’m feeling braver, I’ll join them.

Traitor to the cause of going grey!
The Artist, Aliza Nisenbaum
I’m still returning in my mind’s eye to many of the politically charged paintings I saw at the Whitney Biennial. Here’s an image of a favorite one depicting a group of cross-cultural women. The artist is Aliza Nisenbaum, a 39-year-old woman who lives in New York City. She has a large volume of work depicting immigrants.

Aliza Nisenbaum’s wonderful painting of cross-cultural women
A Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu
I’m almost finished watching the next to the last episode in the series. It has me on pins and needles wondering if Ofred will find her freedom or be sent to the colonies. The big question: Given the series popularity will Margaret Atwood be persuaded to write a sequel?
Summer Weather At Last!
It feels like a miracle: the thermometer has finally moved from unseasonably cold to summer! Sunday is predicted to be in the ’80’s. I will happily join the swarms at the beach then. My bathing suit has been mocking me. Now I can end its torment!