I’ve chosen trailblazers in literature, music, painting, political activism and medicine. Many communities lost their own notable...
An Unfulfilled Passion for Fashion
GUEST POST by CATHIE WHITTENBURG The minute the dress code was done away with at school my fashion immediately became hippie casual. It’s basically stayed that way over the last fifty plus years. And while I have moved on from work boots and overalls, I still cling to comfort with the occasional splash of color. But here’s the thing, I [...]
Pat TaubPoetry: A Balm for Troubled Times
For poems are not words after all, but fires for the cold, ropes let down to the lost, and sometimes as necessary as bread in the pockets of the hungry. —Mary Oliver To paraphrase Oliver, poetry isn’t just an art form, but a powerful medicine. Poems are a reminder when we are hurting that there is beauty in the world, and when we [...]
Pat TaubAging Like A Wise Woman
Over coffee, a friend suggested that I write a blog offering guidelines for meaningful aging. This week I’m taking her suggestion to heart. Here’s what I came up with: Honor Your Failures Reframe your “failures” as risks you took where you stuck your neck out. Examine them for the lessons they presented and move on where you promise [...]
Pat TaubNew Year’s Resolutions for Growing Soulfully
Typically, we make New Year’s resolutions focused on improving our lives materially with pledges to diet, exercise, and travel to new destinations. But what if this year, your primary focus was on your internal self rather than your external self? In other words, resolutions to expand your soul where you grow in compassion. In a world [...]
GUEST POST by MICHAEL STEINMAN Every day, I encounter deaths and illnesses: people I know and admire. Someone is no longer there. My first response is a horrified helplessness, emotional paralysis. But I cannot live in fear and premature mourning. Because I am not morose by nature, what bloomed in my mind today was whimsical and introspective, [...]
Pat TaubCan Women Peace Workers Save Us?
Women have the capacity to lead us to a more peaceful world with compassion, affection, and kindness. . . Females have more sensitivity for others’ pain and suffering.”——–Dalai Lama As we celebrate the holidays, “Peace on Earth,” is echoed in card, carols, and greetings we exchange, but our male leaders seem tone-deaf [...]
Pat TaubHow Did You Get to Where You Are?
GUEST POST by SHIRLEY DELONG Remember when the only way to figure out how to get to a place you’d never been before was to use a paper map? If you were like me, you’d write down all the road names in order, each left or right turn you had to make, approximate mileage and some landmarks to help you know you were on the right track. Or depending [...]
Pat TaubHumanity In A Dark Time
Every morning I watch Democracy Now for updates on Gaza, and weep. It feels important to be a witness to this genocide happening in real time. I force myself not to look away from the traumatized children, covered with ash, sitting on the ruins of their former homes, crying aloud as their thin bodies tremble. I see humanity in the exhausted [...]
Pat TaubCoping with Loneliness
“I do pretty well living alone, but on days when I crave companionship, it becomes depressing.” “I’m too embarrassed to reach out to friends when I’m feeling lonely.” “My family sees me as a strong woman, so they don’t realize I get lonely and would like them to contact me more.” “I wish there were places, other [...]
Pat TaubIt’s Not Complicated
GUEST POST by MARY DUNN How did we come to live in this time where genocide is accepted, defended, and cheered? Many dissuade debating this incredibly important issue claiming it’s “complicated”. No, really, it’s not. Every religion teaches us to love our neighbor, take in the stranger, and certainly thou shall not kill. But here [...]
Pat Taub