How is it possible for the world to ignore babies being murdered every day in Gaza, while those babies who aren’t killed are dying from starvation? How is possible to ignore a Palestinian father who leaves home for a loaf of bread only to return to find his family was murdered in his absence?
How is it possible for Israeli soldiers to shoot Gazan children for sport? How is it possible for Israeli citizens to celebrate as they block food trucks from entering Gaza?
How is it possible for Biden and Blinken to sleep at night when they are complicit in the slaughter of so many Gazans, the majority being women and children? How can they look at their children and not feel an ounce of compassion for the children starving to death in Gaza?
How is it possible for so many Americans to look away from Gaza, while cheering on their favorite NBA team or Taylor Swift? How is it possible for those who follow the news to comment, “I don’t read about Gaza because it’s too depressing.”
How is it possible for Congressional representatives to turn off their feelings for Gaza as they spew the mantra, “Hamas, Hamas . . .” How is it possible for Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee to reply to a peace activist’s concern for the massive deaths in Gaza, “ We should kill ‘em all.”

Rep. Ogles being asked by a Codepink activist about his reactions to the large number of children murdered by Israel
How is it possible for the mainstream media to minimize the suffering in Gaza by repeating the tired phrase, “Israel has the right to defend itself.”
How is it possible for the Democrats to ignore the fact that the majority of Americans want a ceasefire, while many Democrats are saying they won’t vote for Biden because of his refusal to support a ceasefire while supplying arms for Israel’s escalating genocide?

Terry Awhal, a lifelong Democrat, who refuses to vote for Biden: “If you want my vote, you cannot kill (Gazans) in my name.” (The New York Times)
Answers to all of the above: Missing Hearts
The heartless responses of our elected officials are largely explained by the large APIAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) donations given to every single US Senator and Representative in exchange for their unilateral support of Israel. The largest donation has been to Pres. Biden, totaling over $5 million throughout his career in elected office.
Where Hearts Are NOT Missing:
With young activists whose full hearts are swelling protest movements in support of Gaza. They seem like an unstoppable force.
With tireless peace groups like, Jewish Voice for Peace, Codepink, and Veterans for Peace.

Elder members of Jewish Voice for Peace chained themselves to the White House gate in support of a ceasefire
With brave elected officials, who stand for Palestine, like Rashida Tlaib, leading a charge in her home state of Michigan to write “Ceasefire” on primary ballots rather than voting for Biden and supporting his complicity in Israel’s genocide.
In the huge global protests in support of Gaza. In the ground swell of humanity that stretches from American city streets to those clogging streets in London, Paris, and Dublin to soccer players wearing shirts with the Palestinian flag.
How to Open Your Heart to Support Gaza:
Bear witness rather than looking away at images of babies taking their last breath or young children, so traumatized that they say they want to die. They could be your children or grandchildren.
Craig Mokhiber, who resigned from his UN position in the Human Rights Division, citing its failure to stop Israel’s genocide, urges Gaza supporters to make a “righteous noise” by joining protests in support of a ceasefire. He cautions, “If you’re silent, you’re complicit” while stressing, “This is our Holocaust moment.”
Action is the best antidote for the despair and grief many of us are feeling. Pray with your feet by joining non-violent street protests, like the global day of action on March 2nd to protest Israel’s announced ground invasion of Rafah on March 10th. Make righteous noise in whatever way works for you, letting your heart lead.
An abundance of open hearts can cancel out all the missing hearts running the show.