Fierce Role Models
While the world is rapidly going to hell in a hand basket I find hope in the brave young women taking a stand for their beliefs. Megan Rapinoe, the star US Women’s soccer player has repeatedly spoken out, insisting that professional women’s soccer receive the same pay as their male counterparts. Rapinoe addressed Manhattan’s ticket tape parade, celebrating the team’s world cup win, calling on all Americans to “love more and hate less.”

Megan Rapinoe jubilant at New York City’s ticker tape parade in honor of the US Women’s Soccer team world cup win
Representative AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) has refused to stand down after being criticized by Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a recent New York Times article for not always going along with the Democratic Party. The most recent incident was AOC’s refusal to support the 4.7 billion dollar bill for border spending. AOC objected because the bill contained no oversight of the detention centers where abuse has been consistently reported.

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the representative from the Bronx
Portland’s Summer
Most Wednesday mornings I walk to Portland’s downtown farmer’s market to buy fresh flowers and produce. This week I chanced upon a group of young kids sitting on the concrete facing the market, making notes and sketching. They reminded me of my grandkids so I asked to take their photo. One young girl readily complied when I requested “smiles.”
My Get-Away Retreat
Last year I purchased a small cottage in Waldoboro for weekend retreats. It’s secluded and peaceful and most welcoming. I spent the 4thof July holiday there where I stood on my front porch and took this picture of the sunset.
The War on Migrant Families
I am heartsick over the cruel way this administration is mistreating migrant children and families in detention centers. I cried as I watched Yazmin Juarez, a 21 y.o. mother from Guatemala testified before Congress that her 2-year-old child died in ICE custody after developing a lung infection attributed to the detention center’s cold and unsanitary conditions. Juarez repeatedly pleaded for medical attention, which was brushed off or restricted to Vick’s Vapor Rub. When Juarez and her daughter were released she took her very sick daughter to a New Jersey hospital, but it was too late as the infection was too advanced to save the little girl’s life.

Yazmin Juarez testifying before Congress about how ICE’s negligent treatment of her two year old daughter led to the child’s death
ALERT: Folks in the Portland, Maine area can show their support for migrant families by joining tonight’s “Lights for Liberty” vigil, Monument Square, 7:30 pm