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Astrology as a Tool for Self-Understanding

Pat TaubPat Taub


My fascination with astrology began the first time I saw the symbols on those little horoscope booklets by the grocery store check-out counters in the early 1960s. Following many years of self-study, I began my formal practice of astrology in 1994.

As a professional consulting astrologer, I use the tool of astrology to deepen my clients’ self-understanding as they move through their life’s cycles.

Pat Taub, WOW blog, Portland, Maine

The author’s desk with some of the tools she uses to create a client’s chart

The zodiac summaries below offer a peek into a significant areas of change occurring in the coming months. Read for your sun sign and your rising sign, if you know it.

ARIES:  An ideal vision of your inner spiritual life will be the focus of serious effort. You will be asked to go inward to understand and work with old unconscious patterns.

TARUS:  Developing a loving, compassionate community that supports your dreams will be the focus of effort and growth during this time. There may be a breakdown of a community you are currently involved in as you search for one that is a better fit for your dream.

GEMINI: Your dream of a career highlighting your poetic, mystical, or compassionate nature will be the focus of effort and responsibility. If you are on the wrong career path, you will face that and find one that is more appropriate. If you are on the right path, you will take on more work responsibilities.

CANCER:  Your vision of an idealized worldview/ higher understanding will require work, effort, and focus. You will learn a great deal through travel, study, or immersing yourself in the spiritual dimensions of another culture.

Pat Taub, WOW blog, Portland, Maine

The author working on a client’s chart

LEO: You have a beautiful vision of your own ability to be compassionate and offer healing to others. As your compassion is tested, you must focus on developing healthy boundaries with others.

VIRGO: The ideal vision of a beautiful mystical partnership will be the focus of serious effort, hard work, and ultimate stabilization. You must face the reality of your current partnership and take responsibility to nurture the dream you long for.

LIBRA: An idealized vision of your body, self-care, and daily routines will be the focus of effort and hard work. Your body will teach you a great deal as you take responsibility for dietary and exercise considerations.

Pat Taub, WOW blog, Portland, Maine

Gloria Steinman, Aries; Freida Kaklo, Cancer; Rosa Parks, Aquarius; Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Pisces

SCORPIO: Your dream of creativity, children, and those you love will be the focus of hard work and learning as you deepen your understanding of how to love and how to give freely of yourself.

SAGITTARIUS: Your idealized vision of home, family, and ancestry will be the focus of responsibility, effort, and learning. Someone challenging may move in or out of your home, and it may be necessary to change residence or do renovations. You may learn something significant about a family member or ancestor.

CAPRICORN: Your dream or idealized vision of how you communicate, how you speak, and what you say will be the focus of hard work and learning. Build a structure that allows you to express your poetic or mystical voice. Exploring words and writing will serve you well.

Pat Taub, WOW blog, Portland, Maine

Louise Bourgeois, a leading pioneer in metal sculpture, is a Capricorn

AQUARIUS: An idealized understanding of your finances and personal self-worth will be the focus of much effort and learning. How does your self-worth relate to money or the balance of your bank account? Study the spiritual roots of money and spend money in ways that support deep compassion for self and others.

PISCES: You have an idealized vision of yourself as a mystical, artistic, or deeply compassionate person. Spend considerable effort developing practical ways to express this side of yourself to others. People will see the more serious side of you at this time. Learn to see that in yourself as well.

Laurie Farrington is a professional astrologer, teacher, consultant, and writer living her dream life on the beautiful coast of Maine. Explore Laurie’s work and schedule an appointment at:




Pat Taub is a family therapist, writer and activist and life-long feminist. She hopes that WOW will start a conversation among other older women who are fed up with the ageism and sexism in our culture and are looking for cohorts to affirm their value as an older woman.
