A True Shero
I was moved to my core by Catherine Blasey-Ford’s brave testimony before the hostile Judiciary Committee. She spoke eloquently and truthfully as she struggled to keep her emotions under control. I found her fully credible. Conversely Brett Kavanaugh’s angry tirade where he grabbed the victim mantle was thoroughly disgusting. It appears that he will be confirmed to the Supreme Court. The positive from this ordeal is the way women of all ages and races mobilized to mount their opposition to Kavanaugh. Female rage isn’t about to disappear. It will continue to be a powerful force for progressive causes.

Christine Blasey-Ford is sworn in before testifying at the Senate Judiciary Committee, September 27, 2018
For Kate Atkinson Fans
I just downloaded Atkinson’s latest novel, Transcription, a spy novel set in England in World War II. I loved her novel, Life After Life. Transcription promises to be a perfect fall read especially if it’s accompanied by a fire in my fireplace and a cup of mint tea.
A Favorite Image from the Victoria and Albert’s Fashion wing
I’m still savoring photos from my family’s June trip to London. After the maddening crush of tourists at the British Museum, the much smaller numbers of visitors at the Victoria and Albert made for a pleasant afternoon. Below is an image from the V & A’s fashion exhibit of clothes in the 1930’s. I love all these prints.
Fall Cooking
It was so hot this summer that my cooking was pretty much relegated to salads and fish. Now that the weather is turning cooler I will whip out my favorite soup recipes. This weekend I’m planning to make squash soup with apples.
Keeping Hope Alive
Feeling discouraged over the mounting corruption and misogyny in Washington, I’m revisiting my collection of sayings that promote hope. A favorite is from Maya Angelou:
We may encounter many defeats
But we must not be defeated.