WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

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What Happened to Us?

Pat TaubPat Taub


One hundred years ago in 1924 a Zionist paramilitary defense force, the Haganah, proclaimed the role of protecting the newly formed communities of Jewish settlers in Palestine. Their slogan, “Judaea was lost by blood and fire and will rise again by blood and fire” continues to direct Zionist ideology all these years later.

This deeply rooted and racist form of terrorism is not new. So, let’s ask ourselves, “Why care now?” One simple answer, “Because now we know.”

Pat Taub, WOW blog, Portland, Maine

Women of the Haganah, 1924

For years I was a proud liberal claiming moral superiority over those who valued financial security over social justice. This view was held without taking the time to recognize economics as the root of all our social problems. Several realizations have caused me to reflect on that thinking. The genocide in Palestine is one.

What does it mean to be a proud liberal? Is it support for social issues as proclaimed? That seems to be what liberals claim to center. But yet many have chosen to push aside the largest human rights issue of our time by supporting a party actively causing this harm.

What caused such degradation of values? This is the question liberals need to ask themselves and reflect on.

Recently I read an article discussing the power of propaganda to create fear. It caused me to think of this degradation. The gist of the article explained how it takes only three months of well targeted and delivered fear inducing propaganda to create fear in a population. Once that fear is created it is virtually impossible to reverse. I see this tactic successfully used by both major political parties.

Republicans have been led to deeply fear “the other” and Democrats have been led to deeply fear Trump. In this fear, the genocide of Palestine is being pushed aside and ignored, just as Naziism was in the 1930’s. This is how deeply held moral beliefs are cast aside.

Initially I began to write about the escalating violence in Palestine and the expansion into Lebanon. The global ramifications of detonating civilian’s personal devices and bombing more cities requires our utmost attention, evaluation, and denouncing. The same tactics which we have seen used in Gaza are now being used in Lebanon.

Reflecting on how to share this information, I realized that explaining the atrocities committed by Israel and funded by our tax dollars doesn’t end the willful blindness many experience in the face of the continued horror unfolding before us. I realize that if watching mangled child after mangled child pulled from rubble doesn’t move people to put aside their fear, I’m not sure pointing out yet more of it will convince otherwise good people to care.

Pat Taub, WOW blog, Portland, Maine

Corpse of a child pulled from the rubble in Gaza

There is a layer of immense pain and grief over what Israel and the United States are doing and what their end goal is. The absolute terror and harm they are causing is beyond comprehension. Yet here we are, witnessing a large-scale genocide being shared on our devices day after bloody day. That is, for those who have the moral inclination to look. Many who identify as liberal aren’t looking.

The justification to look away by those who claim to support human rights over all else is yet another layer of pain and grief. Listening to many claim moral superiority and then follow a political party which openly supports this historic genocide is disappointing, disturbing, and incredibly sad to observe.

It demonstrates the successful use of fear to rally support for a woman who proudly pledges full allegiance to continue funding, supplying, and supporting genocide. Anyone capable of this is not the moral leader they proclaim to be.

Pat Taub, WOW blog, Portland, Maine

Kamala Harris acceptance speech at the DNC, proclaiming her full support for Israel


Mary Dunn is a retired educator and parent of two grown children. She has spoken and written on social justice issues related to our immigration policies and Palestine.  Mary has worked with humanitarian organizations on both sides of the southern border and with the Maine Coalition for Palestine. Mary enjoys gardening and knitting in her spare time.  Mary is pictured with her beloved grand dog, Morton

Pat Taub is a family therapist, writer and activist and life-long feminist. She hopes that WOW will start a conversation among other older women who are fed up with the ageism and sexism in our culture and are looking for cohorts to affirm their value as an older woman.
