Cecile Richards died on Monday, January 20, 2025. She was the courageous President of Planned Parenthood from 2006-2018, when the organization...
In Memory of Cecile Richards (1957-2025): Guidelines for Trouble Makers
Cecile Richards died on Monday, January 20, 2025. She was the courageous President of Planned Parenthood from 2006-2018, when the organization was under sharp attack by conservatives. She helped fend off attacks to cut its funding [...]
Pat TaubSummer Reads that Wow
Growing up before iPhones and the Internet were around, books were central to my life. Summers free of school meant I could read non-stop. When I read I could forget about my teenage insecurities, losing myself in Jane Austen’s world, the clever shenanigans of Hercule Poirot, or steamy sex scenes when I confiscated my father’s John O’Hara’s [...]
Pat Taub