Cecile Richards died on Monday, January 20, 2025. She was the courageous President of Planned Parenthood from 2006-2018, when the organization...
20 Empowering & Inspiring Quotes About Getting Older
Guest Post by Becca Armstrong-Benson A sister writer in the UK has assembled this wonderful list of wise sayings from people from all walks of life, ranging from fashion designers and actors, to activists, astronauts and comedians. These quotes were originally posted at: https://www.uksmobility.co.uk/blog/2018/06/old-age-quotes/ “I [...]
Pat TaubPeggy Akers: A Vietnam Truth Teller
For most Americans the Vietnam War has been reduced to a historical footnote. For those who served, it is not easily forgotten. Many Vietnam vets continue to suffer from PTSD or, for the truly unlucky, from crippling wounds or from Agent Orange. Other vets, like Peggy Akers of Portland, Maine, bemoan the fact that the lessons of Vietnam continue [...]
Pat TaubHow I Learned to Stop Hiding My Money Under the Mattress
Guest Post by Joan Smith Many single women in the over-seventy crowd admit to the spectre of the bag lady looming in the background. She embodies our fear of not having enough to live on, just when our ability to earn is diminishing. You know those articles about planning for our retirement? Many of us don’t have enough extra to warrant [...]
Pat TaubBemoaning My Physical Decline
I’ve more or less accepted the changes aging brings to my appearance: wrinkles, a sagging jaw line, droopy breasts and a puffy tummy. The physical limitations are another story. I am frequently at war with the arthritis in my left knee and right shoulder. I curse my body when my long walks have to be curtailed because my knee swells [...]
Pat TaubMy Jane Fonda Problem
GUEST POST BY JANET WEIL “Wow… what a body – she’s incredibly well-proportioned!” The thought bubble over my head filled in as, a few months ago, my husband and I watched on Netflix a rather dull film (California Suite) with only 2 characters. Relaxed West Coast ex-husband, played by Alan Alda, hosts tense [...]
Pat TaubCrafting Healing Stories to Shed Anger
One of the most valuable lessons aging has bestowed on me is the importance of shedding anger. The less anger I hold the more inner peace I possess. I’ve learned to release a lot of my anger by imagining myself inhabiting the lives of those who have hurt me, resulting in a new story where I experience compassion towards the other. This [...]
Pat TaubWhen Loss Brings Up More Than I Bargained For
This past weekend I attended the memorial service for Connie Chandler Ward, one of the founders of Greenfire, a women’s spiritual retreat center in Tenants Harbor, Maine. Connie, a former Wellesley chaplain had been a spiritual mentor to me and many others. As I rushed out the door I stuffed a packet of travel-sized Kleenex in my purse, [...]
Pat TaubSpring at Long Last, A New Portland Discussion Group, Ann Wright & More!
Spring is Here! Today’s temps in Portland are climbing and are on track to pass 60! When I walked home from my morning’s Pilates class it was so warm I had to remove my coat. Crocuses are awakening as are daffodils. Thankfully my taxes are almost finished. If I can get them in the mail this afternoon, I’ll treat myself to my first [...]
Pat TaubGrowing Old Without a Partner
I’m all for love and romance but when our love options run out as we age, when dating is more frustrating than satisfying, wouldn’t we be happier if we accepted that love is no longer in the cards, seeking companionship among friends and family? I mentioned this to a friend who looked aghast as if I were delivering a death sentence! [...]
Pat TaubBasketball, Gun Control March, A Cool Retirement Home & More
March Madness Tournament My basketball team, Syracuse, has advanced to the NCAA’s “Sweet Sixteen,” playing Duke tonight, who’s heavily favored. It may be painful to watch, but then again the Orange surprised most sports writers and me by getting this far. Out of love for his grandmother, my 12 year-old grandson, Max has promised [...]
Pat Taub