GUEST POST by TOM SANTULLI I woke up Thanksgiving morning thinking of Picasso’s astounding and revolutionary masterpiece, “Guernica.” ...
What Will Our Priorities Be?
GUEST POST by TOM SANTULLI I woke up Thanksgiving morning thinking of Picasso’s astounding and revolutionary masterpiece, “Guernica.” It depicts horrors in the Spanish Civil War. What would you see if he painted, “Thanksgiving [...]
Pat Taub“No Time to Spare:” A Book Review
With my birthdays piling up I ordered Ursula LeGuin’s* new collection of essays, No Time to Spare, seeking enlightenment for my own aging journey. The book’s title was inspired by a Radcliffe alumni survey sent to LeGuin, class of 1951. She was dumbfounded by the question that asked how she spent her spare time. Her response: “What is [...]
Pat TaubNew Year’s, Family Visit, “The Crown,” & the Las Vegas March
A New Year! I’m glad to turn the page on 2017, but there’s no assurance that 2018 will be any better unless we organize a massive protest movement. The Orange Monster’s unraveling is reaching new heights as he fumes over Michael Wolff’s to-be-released-today book about Trump. Will it bring him down and will he take us with him as he [...]
Pat Taub