According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of...
The Collapse of Compassion
According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of marginalized people. Lindsay C. Gibson, author of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents thinks [...]
Learning to be Positive in Hard Times
I wake up most mornings vowing to be positive, but it’s hard to maintain a positive mindset when it’s bitter cold out, eliminating a walk, and when contacts with friends and family are relegated to phone calls and Zoom. The longing for in-person contacts sends my positive intentions out the window. It became clear that I needed an approach [...]
Hibernation Crazies, Zoom, A Good Read & More!
Hibernation Update I’m now in week 5 of my isolation. I thought I had it down, but yesterday I hit a wall when it dawned on me that I could be facing months of isolation. Depression was looming. The Hibernation Crazies had come for me! Suddenly I realized I hadn’t taken a daily walk for two days. In spite of the overcast sky [...]
Coping with COVID Anxiety
Truth-telling time: I don’t always follow (some days barely at all) the COVID coping suggestions I’ve offered in recent WOW blogs. When this happens it’s because pandemic anxiety gets the upper hand, casting me into an irrational mind set. Here’s a sampling from this past weekend when I fell off the wagon, or when my anxiety had [...]