According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of...
The Collapse of Compassion
According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of marginalized people. Lindsay C. Gibson, author of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents thinks [...]
Black Women Writers Who Radicalized Me
For Black History Month I want to honor some of the brilliant African American women writers that have left an indelible mark on me. I’m particularly indebted to Audre Lorde, bell hooks, Alice Walker, Angela Davis and Lucille Clifton. I read them in the pre-internet era of the ‘80’s and ‘90’s when face-to-face communication was [...]
Working Artist: Cecile Pineda
GUEST POST by LISA SAVAGE In this pandemic we’ve witnessed a devolution of autonomy for working mothers scrambling to accommodate the loss of daycare while holding down their jobs. As moms still on average earn less than dads — even for the same work — it’s the moms who often reduced their hours to fill the childcare gap in [...]
Pondering My Activist Slump
In church this Sunday the progressive minister quoted the biblical passage: “To whom much is given, much is expected.” I squirmed in my seat reflecting on my white privileged lifestyle, feeling guilty about how little I’ve done to protest the Orange Monster’s wrecking machine. It’s not like I’m unfamiliar to activism. I was [...]
What’s Missing in Our Reflections on Women’s History Month?
In honor of this year’s Women’s History Month, on March 11, 2018 the New York Times made a move to correct their longstanding emphasis on male accomplishments by publishing a special supplement entitled, “Overlooked.” This section celebrates 12 women of achievement who never made it into the Times obituary pages. I welcome the Times [...]
Reporting from the Las Vegas Women’s March
January 2017’s women’s marches were largely celebratory as pink-hatted women across the country turned out in record numbers to protest the Trump presidency. A year later women have learned it’s not enough to gather in solidarity. We need an action plan. This past Sunday’s Las Vegas Women’s March rose to the challenge with the theme, [...]
Lisa & Janet: Advice from Seasoned Activists
As concerned Americans take on Trump’s regressive policies, there’s a new urgency afoot. We can’t afford to waste time on ill-fated resistance. A good way to sharpen our activist tools is to pay attention to what seasoned activists can teach us. In this post, two of my favorite activists, Lisa Savage and Janet Weil, both in their [...]
Women all over the country are knitting pink hats, retrieving their best walking shoes and making signs in preparation for Saturday’s march for women’s rights and social justice, but it will not be the first time a huge mobilization of women has marched at a Presidential inauguration. A little over a 100 years ago, on March 3, 1913, the [...]
10 Women Who Rocked the Globe in 2016!
Let’s get a perspective on 2016. Let’s not let Donald Trump’s victory cancel out this year’s progressive changes! On a national scale we can celebrate the successes of Standing Rock and Black Lives Matter. While their struggles face ongoing obstacles, their movements are here to stay. In the United States women are mobilizing for a [...]
Women’s Protest Marches Are Rocking the Globe!
Let’s face it, our current Presidential campaign sucks big time. It’s been reduced to cheap entertainment where misogyny and red-baiting are the order of the day. I can’t wait for this campaign to end so serious political engagement might seep into our news stories. Hungry for hope, my spirits soared reading recent accounts of women-led [...]
Celebrating Four Pioneering Women Artists
There are countless remarkable women who came before us who deserve our attention and respect, but history often obliterated them. The current special exhibit at the Portland, Maine Art Museum (Women Modernists in New York) is helping to correct this omission by resurrecting four early 20th century women artists, who, aside from Georgia O’Keefe, [...]