WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

March 2025
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Positive Self-Image6

The Birds are for Getting Old?

Guest post by Ann Tracy When is it that one finally realizes that maybe they are indeed “old”?  Do we have individual epiphanies or do we barely notice when we prefer leggings or pants over tights or pantyhose and skirts. Or is that just me? Now at the age of 64, I’m finally able to not care about looking “sexy” [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

It’s Carpe Diem Time!

Carpe Diem, the Latin phrase that means “seize the moment,” is often bantered around to inspire one to take advantage of the present moment, or not to postpone til tomorrow what you can do today. For older women, carpe diem is especially relevant. We don’t have a lot of time.  If a new opportunity greets you, why not embrace it rather [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

GUEST POST: Cropped at Sixty

“How long ago did you stop coloring your hair?” I brought up this question to my CODEPINK buddy Jackie Barshak as I drove her and a couple of 20-something activists up Highway 95 from Las Vegas to Camp Justice, across the road from Creech Air Force Base. We were in Nevada to take part in Shut Down Creech, a major mobilization in [...]

Janet WeilJanet Weil

WOW: A Blog for Older Women, 60+

Creating a Conversation: Welcome to my new blog, “Women’s Older Wisdom,” or WOW.  I want to fill a gap in the blogosphere for blogs addressed to women past 60, bucking the current trend where blogs for older women consist largely of fashion and beauty tips, as if successful aging depended on looking young! I refuse to buy into our [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Learning to be Old My Way

I’m very clear that I want to grow old differently from the old lady personas adopted by many of our grandmothers and mothers, who donned polka dot dresses, dispensed little candies from their pocket books, and smiled demurely while keeping their opinions to themselves. Nor do I want to grow old having succumbed to plastic surgery to peel [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub