GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler...

Aging Like a Wise Woman
This week I’ll be a guest speaker for a Zoom class of older women, addressing what makes for a meaningful aging. For my presentation, I came up with these guidelines for growing into a wise older woman, which I’m sharing here: Honor Your Failures Reframe your “failures” as risks you took where you stuck your neck out. Examine [...]
First We Weep & Then We Hit the Streets
I’ve been crying off and on since Friday night when these words lit up my laptop screen: RUTH BADER GINSBURG DIES! I screamed at my computer, “No! No! No!” It felt like the world was coming to an end, or at least US democracy. In short order my iPhone was ablaze with text messages from grief-stricken friends and family. The next [...]
Walking with New Eyes
I was driving myself crazy over the prospect of Trump winning re-election, turning our country into a fully-fledged Fascist nation where hate rules. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t shake my doomsday thinking. I was desperate for a way out, a path to quell my anxiety. An answer presented itself in the form of Alexandra Horowitz’s [...]
Are You Addicted to Apologizing?
You might be thinking, “What are you talking about? Apologies are my way of showing respect lest I appear insensitive or rude.” I’m not suggesting that there isn’t a place for apology in our lives, but most women apologize ad nauseum, which puts them at a disadvantage. When we constantly say, “I’m sorry” for a perceived upset [...]
Country Images, Democratic Convention, Mail Mess & More!
Country Snapshots I’ve been spending most of the week this summer at my country retreat in Waldoboro, Maine. Last Sunday, with two old friends, I attended a dinner at a pig farm that hosts monthly meals in their charming meadow. Here’s two photos from the dinner: a mama pig and her piglets and tables ready for guests. It was a little [...]
Women’s Friendships As A Lifeline
A friend once said, “If grown women had pajama parties, they wouldn’t need therapists.” She was referring to the close connections among girls that often get lost when women mature, becoming preoccupied with family and careers. Feminist psychology contends that because women are affiliative by nature they frequently find their voice [...]
Post Office Scandal, A Free Play, Unsung Sheroes & More!
Agitated Over the Post Office Scandal I’m filled with fury over Herr Orange’s blatant attempts to steal the election by defunding the post office to limit their services in an attempt to curtail mail-in ballots. If it weren’t enough to cut back on post office funds, now our Fascist Post Master General is removing sorting machines from [...]
Celebrating the Mother Line
Reading a 2017 essay by Deborah Tannen “My Mother Speaks Through Me,” I paused at the sentence: Though my mother died in 2004, she is the one whose voice comes out when I speak, and whose speaking style shapes how I hear others’ words. I too have been surprised, even amused, when I say something that sounds just like my mother. Unlike [...]
Does the Age Positive Movement Silence Older Women Who Don’t Fall into Line?
From its conception almost 5 years ago, WOW has been committed to encouraging older women to identify and resist the cultural messages that denigrate the aging women. Blog posts have emphasized the positives of aging, while championing the on-going contributions of older women in the arts, politics and spirituality. I hadn’t questioned WOW’s [...]
Are You Tending to Your Soul?
This is a tricky question because the soul is intangible, mysterious and hard to grasp, yet we recognize when our soul is awakened. Our world lights up, transporting us to another dimension. I feel soulful when I create a bouquet from wild flowers, re-engage with a long-lost friend, listen to Mozart, or take a solitary walk on country roads. [...]