As we enter a new year punctuated with images of wars, climate emergencies and the alarming prospect of a Trump presidency poised to...
“A Life in Light,” Mary Pipher’s Memoir
As we enter a new year punctuated with images of wars, climate emergencies and the alarming prospect of a Trump presidency poised to threaten our civil liberties, Mary Pipher’s memoir “A Life in Light,” is a beacon of hope. Pipher [...]
Pat TaubThe Heartache of Losing Close Friends
Perhaps the aspect of aging I find most difficult is losing dear friends–friends I had planning on spending time with into my dotage. In this post I’m paying homage to them, grateful for our close connection and for the invaluable lessons they gave me. Diana died just a few months shy of her 60th birthday; Zoe was 63 and Ray was 69. [...]
Pat Taub