As we enter a new year punctuated with images of wars, climate emergencies and the alarming prospect of a Trump presidency poised to...
“A Life in Light,” Mary Pipher’s Memoir
As we enter a new year punctuated with images of wars, climate emergencies and the alarming prospect of a Trump presidency poised to threaten our civil liberties, Mary Pipher’s memoir “A Life in Light,” is a beacon of hope. Pipher [...]
Pat TaubThe Golden Globes, Basketball, Grace Paley & Ahed
The Golden Globes Like many of you I watched the Golden Globes on Sunday night, inspired by the way the #metoo movement dominated the awards show. I loved it that several actresses invited major female activists. Tarana Burke, founder of #metoo was there along with Ai-jen Poo, director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Calina Lawrence, [...]
Pat Taub