GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler...

Flexible Problem Solving in the Age of Covid
GUEST POST by LISA SAVAGE As the mother of three grown children, I’ve had occasion to reflect on what I taught them that might be especially useful for weathering an ongoing public health crisis and the recession it caused. I became a public school teacher halfway through their childhood but even before that I was an “education mama” [...]
Texas Storm, Molly Ivins, Granddaughter Jane & More
Storm-Wrecked Texas Looking at photos of Texans, standing in the bitter cold, huddled under blankets, forming long lines for water and food, left me furious and heartsick. Have we become a third world country, where only the privileged are taken care of? The one redeeming factor to the Texas storm tragedy is that Ted Cruz was caught flying [...]
Post-Election Survival Tips
As I write this, it’s Election Day. I set my alarm for 6:15 in order to be at my polling place when the doors opened at 7 am, anticipating a quick in-and-out. Instead I waited for over an hour in the cold, flanked by young voters. While I’m hugely relieved to see the end of a nerve-wracking campaign season, I’m on pins and needles [...]
Unsettling News Stories, A Good Read, Fall Arrives & More!
Unsettling News Stories Lately reading the news inserts me into the Beatles song, “I read the news today, oh boy.” One disturbing report after another, the latest is the forced hysterectomies of women in an ICE detention center in Georgia. If it weren’t for brave whistleblower, Dawn Wooten, a nurse at the center, we might never have [...]
Post Office Scandal, A Free Play, Unsung Sheroes & More!
Agitated Over the Post Office Scandal I’m filled with fury over Herr Orange’s blatant attempts to steal the election by defunding the post office to limit their services in an attempt to curtail mail-in ballots. If it weren’t enough to cut back on post office funds, now our Fascist Post Master General is removing sorting machines from [...]
Turkey Day Memories, Whistleblowers, & An Obit Request
Thanksgiving Memories This Thanksgiving my oldest son, his wife and two teenage kids flew into Portland from Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with me. After cooking for two days, I didn’t dare clock the time it took to gobble down our turkey dinner, lest I tear my hair out over the discrepancy between cooking and eating. That aside, it was [...]
Peggy Akers: A Vietnam Truth Teller
For most Americans the Vietnam War has been reduced to a historical footnote. For those who served, it is not easily forgotten. Many Vietnam vets continue to suffer from PTSD or, for the truly unlucky, from crippling wounds or from Agent Orange. Other vets, like Peggy Akers of Portland, Maine, bemoan the fact that the lessons of Vietnam continue [...]