WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

March 2025
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Growth Through Vulnerability

Being vulnerable is generally defined as speaking and acting in a way that involves a risk where the outcome is unpredictable.  For this reason, many take pains to avoid being vulnerable rather than chance receiving disapproval and rejection. This limited perspective overlooks the enormous benefits of being vulnerable. Abigail Thomas, the [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Listening to Elders

The passing down of elder wisdom is an honored tradition among cultures like the Natives Americans and the Japanese where elders are sought out for their sage advice. Unfortunately, this intergenerational exchange rarely happens in America’s youth-obsessed culture, which devalues elders and their lived experiences. But as more Americans [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Facing My Fears of  Death

About seven months ago my beloved younger brother phoned to inform me he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  He assured me he was accepting of his diagnosis, adding that he and his wife had applied for companion-assisted suicide at the point when his memory loss makes it difficult for him to function. Once I got over the shock of my brother’s [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Gaza’s Forgotten Children

I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality where the mounting deaths, grave injuries and trauma experienced by Gaza’s children are barely reported.  What makes headlines are soft stories like the Olympics, a largely substance-free Presidential campaign, the Ben Affleck-Jennifer Lopez drama while the nightmare in Gaza continues at [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Terror or Guilt: A Day at the Pool

GUEST POST by BARBARA BENGELS I was  swimming at the local pool, relaxing and trying not to think about politics.  To my dismay, I overheard two gentlemen swimming next to me, saying sotto voce, “Soon the whites will be in the minority.  We already are in some parts of the country.” It was clear from their voices that this was an appalling [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

A Change of Heart is Needed

GUEST POST by MARY DUNN As we watch countries move farther to the right and leaders embrace fascism we see that there is something they have in common: punitive immigration policies. Trump’s closing speech of the RNC convention shows that he is no different. Vilifying those seeking asylum is something that has a long history in this [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

I’ve Closed Up Shop Down There

When she turned 80, Jane Fonda told a Vanity Fair interviewer, “”I’ve closed up shop down there.”  She was referring to her decision to forgo sex, elaborating that she had a full, contended single life without sexual relations. Fonda isn’t alone.  Many older single women have joined her chorus of living into the sunset without [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

A Love Letter to the Women In Gaza

Dear Women in Gaza, I need for you to understand that while my government has supplied Israel with deadly weapons that have killed your children, husbands, mothers. fathers, siblings and others close to you, along with dedicated doctors, nurses and journalists, the majority of Americans do not support this policy.  We anguish over the horrors [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Three Cheers for Feisty Old Broads

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day. These immortal words of Dylan Thomas are a suitable motto for Feisty Old Broads, older women who reject the stereotype of the accommodating old lady.  The FOB’s are women who are fearless in their individuality. They speak truth to power, laugh a lot, have [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Falling Down!

GUEST POST by LISA SAVAGE Years ago, before I was within range of being considered an elder, I read in a geriatric doctor’s essay that his first move with a new patient was to examine her feet thoroughly. Because staying on one’s feet is foundational to maintaining good health for elders — a fall often precipitates a cascade of [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub