I’ve chosen trailblazers in literature, music, painting, political activism and medicine. Many communities lost their own notable...
Hibernation Crazies, Zoom, A Good Read & More!
Hibernation Update I’m now in week 5 of my isolation. I thought I had it down, but yesterday I hit a wall when it dawned on me that I could be facing months of isolation. Depression was looming. The Hibernation Crazies had come for me! Suddenly I realized I hadn’t taken a daily walk for two days. In spite of the overcast sky [...]
Pat TaubThe Healing Power of Poetry
Since April is National Poetry month and since this April we’re all frantic over COVID, what could be a better time to celebrate the healing powers of poetry? If you’re like me you have favorite poets that you might consult when you’ve been asked to recite a poem at a wedding or funeral, but you probably don’t read poetry as regularly [...]
Pat TaubBanishing the “I’m Not Being Productive” Guilt
“I feel guilty because I have all this time at home and I’m not being productive.” This is a common response I’ve been hearing from friends and seeing on Facebook postings. Enough! Let’s put an end to these harsh self-judgments. The “productive” path right now is to give yourself time to adjust to the coronavirus’ mandated [...]
Pat TaubCoping with Laughter, A Recommended Film, Supporting Nurses & More
Laughter as a Coping Method While COVID is no laughing matter, especially as the deaths soar, and our medical workers are woefully ill equipped with protective gear, laughing can help to discharge our frustrations. Here’s a link to a very funny Instagram short video of a woman cooking and dancing at the same time. Her exuberance is catching [...]
Pat TaubCoping with COVID Anxiety
Truth-telling time: I don’t always follow (some days barely at all) the COVID coping suggestions I’ve offered in recent WOW blogs. When this happens it’s because pandemic anxiety gets the upper hand, casting me into an irrational mind set. Here’s a sampling from this past weekend when I fell off the wagon, or when my anxiety had [...]
Pat Taub#Not Dying4Wall Street, A Surprise, A Good Read & More!
#NotDying4WallStreet This is a new popular hash tag, which sprung up after Trump suggested that the country’s social isolation end by Easter, noting that if some people (us older adults) have to die, it may be worth it to get the economy rolling again. Jeffrey St. Clair, writing in Counterpunch, referred to Trump’s sacrificial plan as [...]
Pat TaubWOW Readers’ Responses to COVID-19
Believing that many women have found creative and soulful ways of managing coronavirus that would benefit all of us, I posted a notice on the WOW Facebook page asking members how they’re coping with COVID-19. I was very moved by their resourcefulness, empathy and strivings to remain positive. I hope you will be similarly inspired. [...]
Pat TaubSpring Arrives, A COVID-19 Plus, Hibernating Choices
First Day of Spring With COVID-19 grabbing all the headlines, the first day of spring arrived without the usual fanfare. But if we take time to welcome spring with fresh flowers from the market or thanking the sun for its presence, our virus obsession becomes a little less crazy-making. Here’s a photo of boastful tulips gracing a table [...]
Pat TaubWhen It Feels Like the World is Coming to An End . . .
Statements made by those for whom the coronavirus poses survival issues: “I can’t afford health insurance. How will I manage if I get the coronavirus?” “The restaurant where I work has closed. How will I pay my rent if I’m out of work for weeks or months?” Responses from those whose lifestyle choices have been affected: “I’m [...]
Pat TaubDealing with Uncertainty
GUEST POST by GWEN McCAULEY Here I am thinking of ‘retiring’ for a second time after officially retiring 25 years ago. That first time I retired I received a generous buy-out package from a major telecommunications company after 20 years of hard work and much success. I knew the world was changing. I knew that the aspects of corporate [...]
Pat Taub