I’ve chosen trailblazers in literature, music, painting, political activism and medicine. Many communities lost their own notable...
Female Power, Family Pride, A Sudden Death & More
Female Power Rising This week saw two amazing expressions of female power. Yesterday on the House floor, Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez gave a powerful speech condemning Representative Yoho for calling her a “F—— B—-,” while broadening her speech to rebuke the verbal abuse of women in general. Cornell West [...]
Pat TaubDania’s Bench
GUEST POST by CAROLE LESKIN It was 7 AM when I stepped out onto my balcony to look at the sunrise. I call the balcony my tree house, because it is secluded, overlooks a trail, field and stream, is abundant with wildlife, and in the warm months, wildflowers and a garden. No matter how I feel or what lies ahead, I am soothed by the magic of [...]
Pat TaubCOVID in Maine, Gardens, “Offspring” & More!
Maine’s COVID Response This week the New York Times published a color-coded map of the US comparing states’ responses to COVID. I was gratified to see Maine in dark green, which corresponded to those states “trending well.” The only other states in this category are Vermont and New Hampshire. I remain grateful for our excellent [...]
Pat TaubDoes the Age Positive Movement Silence Older Women Who Don’t Fall into Line?
From its conception almost 5 years ago, WOW has been committed to encouraging older women to identify and resist the cultural messages that denigrate the aging women. Blog posts have emphasized the positives of aging, while championing the on-going contributions of older women in the arts, politics and spirituality. I hadn’t questioned WOW’s [...]
Pat TaubMaine Fog, Unmuzzled Fauci, A Movie to Watch & More!
Escaping the Plague I continue to be grateful for my Maine country retreat, which offers a respite from the frightening stories of the national spikes in COVID. I still follow the news, but here I can renew my connection with nature, a soothing balm in our increasingly turbulent world. Below is an image of the morning fog, taken from my [...]
Pat TaubLove vs. Hate
This past July 4th was unlike any in American history. Americans were battling a deadly virus, which forced the cancellation of parades and public gatherings. At the same time, Americans were facing heightened divisions between the factions of hate and love. The President was the poster boy for hate, delivering two back-to-back racist speeches [...]
Pat TaubA Different July 4th, Antiracism, Spiritual Confusion & More!
What 4thof July? I don’t think any of us could have imagined a 4thof July like the one we are celebrating, or not celebrating, this year. No family gatherings, picnics or fireworks except for those who are ignoring social distancing. For Blacks the 4th is not a holiday to be celebrated, since, unlike the early white settlers who rejoiced [...]
Pat TaubAre You Tending to Your Soul?
This is a tricky question because the soul is intangible, mysterious and hard to grasp, yet we recognize when our soul is awakened. Our world lights up, transporting us to another dimension. I feel soulful when I create a bouquet from wild flowers, re-engage with a long-lost friend, listen to Mozart, or take a solitary walk on country roads. [...]
Pat TaubSlowing Down To The Speed Of Wisdom
GUEST POST by JUDITH NILAN When people join me on pilgrimage in Ireland, it’s a choice to step away from the rhythms of a busy life and slow down to a rhythm of deep listening and meditation. With the pandemic, we have been gifted that opportunity not by our own choosing. But here we are. And in this slowing down, within these new rhythms, [...]
Pat TaubThe Pleasures of Age
GUEST POST by EDWARD MOONEY Age is a time for looking back— on a life, on a family; on a vocation, a profession. It’s a time for pleasant memories from the past and also for present day by day enjoyments— enjoying a community orchestra, a choir, an invitation to lunch or dinner. It’s a time to phone family, to walk for a cappuccino, [...]
Pat Taub