According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of...
War in Gaza
When Genocide Becomes Normalized
Caitlin Johnstone, the prophetic Australian blogger, lamented in a recent post that the genocide in Gaza has become normalized for most Americans who tend to react with a fleeting comment, like, “It’s horrible,” and then go about their lives, where Gaza is a mere footnote. Johnstone challenges us to open our eyes to the propaganda [...]
Gaza’s Forgotten Children
I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality where the mounting deaths, grave injuries and trauma experienced by Gaza’s children are barely reported. What makes headlines are soft stories like the Olympics, a largely substance-free Presidential campaign, the Ben Affleck-Jennifer Lopez drama while the nightmare in Gaza continues at [...]
A Love Letter to the Women In Gaza
Dear Women in Gaza, I need for you to understand that while my government has supplied Israel with deadly weapons that have killed your children, husbands, mothers. fathers, siblings and others close to you, along with dedicated doctors, nurses and journalists, the majority of Americans do not support this policy. We anguish over the horrors [...]
Missing Hearts
How is it possible for the world to ignore babies being murdered every day in Gaza, while those babies who aren’t killed are dying from starvation? How is possible to ignore a Palestinian father who leaves home for a loaf of bread only to return to find his family was murdered in his absence? How is it possible for Israeli soldiers to [...]
Emotions Are Not Enough
GUEST POST by JANET WEIL In south Gaza, in one of many online videos I have watched, a Palestinian grandmother cooked stew over a small open fire – outdoors, because her home had been bombed by the Israeli military. She showed her granddaughter how to make pita bread, talking to her gently all the time. Another short video showed a moment [...]
Humanity In A Dark Time
Every morning I watch Democracy Now for updates on Gaza, and weep. It feels important to be a witness to this genocide happening in real time. I force myself not to look away from the traumatized children, covered with ash, sitting on the ruins of their former homes, crying aloud as their thin bodies tremble. I see humanity in the exhausted [...]
“Please Tell Our Story. Please Pray for Us.” Dr. Jehad Hasanain
GUEST POST BY SALLY BOWDEN-SCHAIBLE Dr. Jehad Hasanain is a friend and has been for nearly five years. Jehad is an emergency room physician with a young family and has lived in Gaza all his life. For a week now, he has been sending messages whenever he can, describing the horrors of death, injuries, displacement. Providing humanitarian [...]