According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of...
Video Picks
Videos With Kick-Ass Female Leads
If you’re like me, evenings set aside for video watching frequently spiral into frustration. You make a selection but three minutes in, you know it’s not for you, so you try another film followed by another and another until after multiple failed attempts, you throw the remote across the room, give up on the video hunt and/or re-watch [...]
Video Therapy: Videos to Match Your Mood
Life under the Orange Monster requires time out to maintain one’s sanity. Video watching has become a favorite form of escape for many, but with Netflix and its cousins, like Amazon Prime churning out productions at a dizzying rate, choosing a video can be daunting. To facilitate your selection process I’ve developed mood categories [...]