GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler...
Street Theater, William Trevor, Remembering Kate Spade & More!
Street Theater Last Friday I participated in the silent tableau, “Gaza Bleeds” staged in downtown Portland. I joined with Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights to protest Israel’s shooting of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza who have been protesting for over two months calling on Israel to end their illegal blockade of Gaza. My task was [...]
My Jane Fonda Problem
GUEST POST BY JANET WEIL “Wow… what a body – she’s incredibly well-proportioned!” The thought bubble over my head filled in as, a few months ago, my husband and I watched on Netflix a rather dull film (California Suite) with only 2 characters. Relaxed West Coast ex-husband, played by Alan Alda, hosts tense [...]
Pondering My Activist Slump
In church this Sunday the progressive minister quoted the biblical passage: “To whom much is given, much is expected.” I squirmed in my seat reflecting on my white privileged lifestyle, feeling guilty about how little I’ve done to protest the Orange Monster’s wrecking machine. It’s not like I’m unfamiliar to activism. I was [...]
Black Prenatal Care, White Privilege, Earth Day & More
A Profound Report on How Racism Impacts Black Mothers and Infants I was very moved by last Sunday’s New York Times magazine cover story with the haunting title, “Why America’s Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life-or-Death Crisis.” The article documents how Black women’s serious medical conditions during pregnancy and after are [...]
Gun Control March, “Roseanne,” London-Bound, Spring Signs
Last Weekend’s March for Gun Control I’m still reverberating from last Saturday’s March for Gun Control, still taking in the inspiring and impressive turnout of teens and their riveting speeches. I find myself looking at teenagers with a new respect. They need and deserve our full support. Here’s a photo from Portland’s march [...]
“Never Again,” A 14th Birthday, Pilates & Lorraine Hansberry
“Never Again” The Parkland, Florida school shootings dominated the news again this week. In response student survivors of the shooting launched “Never Again,” their campaign for gun control. Emma Gonzalez, a senior at Parkland High made national news as clips of her rousing speech circulated on the Internet. March 24th has [...]
Family, COLD Weather, Cuba Travel, Gratitude & More
Upcoming Family Visit As I write I’m awaiting the visit of my oldest son, David, wife, Mel and kids, Jane (13) and Max (12) en route to Portland from Chicago to spend the New Year’s weekend with me. The bitter cold will limit our outdoor activities. I dug up a jigsaw puzzle and a checker game. Can I persuade the iPhone-addicted grandkids [...]
“Compassionate Journey,” Bonn Climate Change Conference, Portland Yard Signs & More
“Compassionate Journey:” A Nonfiction Book in Pre-Publication This week I had tea with Jane Sloven (pictured below) where she shared the manuscript for her collaborative book project, “Compassionate Journey.” Jane and four other women have produced a collection of their mother stories. I’m very moved by this endeavor because it [...]
White Privilege, A Cottage, Chicago Cubs & Resisting #45
Entering into White Privilege Discussions I’m co-facilitating a White Privilege 6 week discussion series with a youngish female minister. We had our first 90-minute session Tuesday evening, attended by 10 white people, 7 women and 3 men. The average age was somewhere in the 60’s with members uniformly saying that they want to do their [...]
A Thumbs Up for “Transparent,” a new Amazon Prime Series
My favorite part of winter in Maine is the excuse to hibernate, make soup, dig into my pile of unread books, and, best of all, binge on online shows, which is how I kicked in the New Year. After reading rave reviews of “Transparent” in The New Yorker, I decided to give it a chance. I was instantly smitten with this new Amazon Prime series [...]