WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

March 2025
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Older Women

How To Be A Happy Older Woman

Given all the ageism and sexism smacking older women in the face aging can be a dismal state for many women. Mary Pipher to the rescue! In her new book, Women Rowing North, Pipher makes the case for a happy old age.  She declares, “Happiness depends on how we deal with what we are given.” Piper interviews older women from all walks of [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

My Imperfect Role Models

In  interviews to promote her new biography, Becoming, Michelle Obama lavishly praises the strong role models offered by her mother, grandmother and aunt.  They seem perfect. When I reflect on the women in my family who came before me I have mixed feelings.  My paternal grandmother had a shrill tongue; Aunt Anne was a heavy drinker; Aunt [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Are You Neglecting Your Soul?

This is a tricky question because the soul is intangible, mysterious and hard to grasp, yet we recognize when our soul is awakened.  Our world lights up, transporting us to another dimension. My soul is stirred  when I listen to Aretha Franklin sing, cuddle a newborn baby,  watch a sun rise, purchase fresh flowers, or find myself crying [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Grandmother Wisdom for Granddaughters

GUEST POST BY TONI KIEF For this post Toni collected grandmother wisdom from friends that are grandmothers.  They are among the pairs photographed below. Dearest Granddaughters, Because of you, we joined the community of Grandmothers. We would like to assure you that it’s all worthwhile.  Watching you careen into adulthood pressing forward, [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

My Jane Fonda Problem

GUEST POST BY JANET WEIL   “Wow… what a body – she’s incredibly well-proportioned!” The thought bubble over my head filled in as, a few months ago, my husband and I watched on Netflix a rather dull film (California Suite) with only 2 characters. Relaxed West Coast ex-husband, played by Alan Alda, hosts tense [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Older Women Energy in Manhattan

I spent Memorial Day Weekend in Manhattan, where older women energy abounded. It felt like the Goddess was guiding me, sensing I needed inspiration for my own aging. I took in art exhibits and a play featuring older women and enjoyed pick-up conversations with older women I met along the way. I saw a spectacular sculpture exhibit at the Met [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Healing the Mother Wound

Mother’s Day can be an unsettling occasion for those adult daughters with a pronounced mother wound.  A celebration of mothers can reawaken a daughter’s memories of the maternal hurt she experienced growing up and which continues to affect her primary relationships. The mother wound can be traced to a woman’s proclivity to rejection, [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

When Loss Brings Up More Than I Bargained For

This past weekend I attended the memorial service for Connie Chandler Ward, one of the founders of Greenfire, a women’s spiritual retreat center in Tenants Harbor, Maine. Connie, a former Wellesley chaplain had been a spiritual mentor to me and many others. As I rushed out the door I stuffed a packet of travel-sized Kleenex in my purse, [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub