WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

March 2025
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Older Women

Debunking “Successful Aging”

I rankle whenever I hear the term, “successful aging,” which has become the Boomers’ mantra.  I take issue because it implies there is a right and wrong way to age.  Successful aging is defined in terms of a self-centered wellness regime as opposed to a compassionate focus on the elder’s wisdom years, where giving back to society [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Here Comes the Invisible Woman!

80 years have gone by and now it seems I’m not here at all. Here comes the invisible woman.  I can’t recall when it first happened. Don’t know how I became so unseen. My tangible self was put on the shelf. Why do I feel so much less then I am? There’s so much more of me now.  We might not have a choice, but we still have a voice. [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Goodbye Susan, Hello Lisa!

Lisa Savage, 62, a public school teacher from Skowhegan, Maine had been contemplating her upcoming retirement in the standard ways–a chance to travel, take up a new interest, and more time with the grandkids–when she received phone calls from several Green Party activists asking her to consider a run for the US Senate in 2020 against [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Badass Older Women Tackling Ageism

I’m seeing a new boldness among older women who are talking back when ageist behavior is directed at them. These women are standing up for themselves and for all of us when they challenge a culture that demeans the older woman. Allow me to introduce some of these badass women: Rachel, age 69, is a frequent traveler who at just 5’ struggles [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Let Me Off the Anti-Aging Merry-Go-Round!

I get it.  I’m not supposed to grow old because I live in a society that worships youth. My wrinkles, gray hair, sagging breasts, and flabby upper arms render me unacceptable. The anti-aging industry to the rescue.  Up-to-the-minute plastic surgery procedures, facial fillers, beauty creams and medical supplements offer remedies that play [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Why I’m Anti-Bucket List

I think I will tear my hair out if one more person asks me,  “How’s your bucket list coming alone?”  The implication is that I’m running out of time to see Morocco, jump out of an airplane, learn Italian or any number of demanding feats.   If I were to answer, “The hell with a bucket list!” in all likelihood I’d be [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Lessons On How to Die

When I mentioned to a friend that I was reading Katy Butler’s new book, The Art of Dying Well, her response was:  “That sounds grim.”  Another friend was similarly put-off, saying,  “I try not to think about death.  It’s too depressing.”   After finishing Butler’s book I felt anything but depressed. I felt empowered [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

The Older Woman’s New Power

Older women are feeling powerful as they discover a voice they didn’t possess in their previous decades.  They’re speaking up with a boldness and confidence unknown to their younger selves. Writer and blogger, 80 year-old Elaine Soloway has shed her passive aggressive self to take on verbal bullies.  The popular Australian writer, [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub