According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of...
The Golden Globes, Basketball, Grace Paley & Ahed
The Golden Globes Like many of you I watched the Golden Globes on Sunday night, inspired by the way the #metoo movement dominated the awards show. I loved it that several actresses invited major female activists. Tarana Burke, founder of #metoo was there along with Ai-jen Poo, director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Calina Lawrence, [...]
Women of Achievement in 2017
2017 was not a good year for racial justice, abortion rights, economic equality, the environment and peace, causing many to feel discouraged about the future. But if we adjust our lens, positive indicators for life getting better can be found among this year’s strong women-led efforts. Progressive women’s actions were on the ascendent [...]
Guest post by Mary Beth Danielson I’m not usually cranky. Then I got a cold. I rarely get colds. What’s going on? Of course I have #metoo incidents. Like most women I have several stories of harassment and, yes, one of assault. As self-aware women do, I’ve been poking at my crankiness. Why am I mad? Why does this rankle? I have [...]