GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler...
WOW: A Blog for Older Women, 60+
Creating a Conversation: Welcome to my new blog, “Women’s Older Wisdom,” or WOW. I want to fill a gap in the blogosphere for blogs addressed to women past 60, bucking the current trend where blogs for older women consist largely of fashion and beauty tips, as if successful aging depended on looking young! I refuse to buy into our [...]
Modern Day Witch Hunts: Denying Women Abortions
From time to time, I will publish a post for “Flashback Friday” from my prior blog. The first in this series originally appeared on July 24, 2013. In this post, I attempted to place the Right-wing hysteria over abortion rights in an historical context. In my wildest dreams I couldn’t have imagined that two years down the road, [...]
Does Dining Alone Intimidate You?
When I tell other women my age that I frequently eat out alone, they tend to look at me like I have two heads. When they catch their breath, they say something like, “Aren’t you embarrassed?” Or, “How did you work up the nerve?” I understand their reactions. It’s not always easy for me to walk into a restaurant alone. More often [...]