WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

May 2024
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Earth Day, Fifty Years Later

GUEST POST by JANET WEIL On my fifteenth birthday, the U.S. environmental movement gave me the gift of a lifetime: Earth Day! Knowing my love of the natural world, my mother (a teacher) arranged for me to attend the rally at Portland (Oregon) State University. My birthday presents were stacked next to my breakfast, and one was a lovely tan [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Black Women Writers Who Opened My Eyes

Young Black women writers are making huge inroads in literature, critical thinking and memoirs. In many ways their path was paved by the revolutionary writings of Black feminists who gained a national audience in the ‘70s and ‘80s. This was the period that shaped my feminism. I was young and newly exploring feminism. Initially my readings [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Facing Our Fears

“I’m terrified of what Trump is doing to our country.”  “I’m frightened of the climate my grandchildren will inherit.”  “I can hardly bear to read the news any more.  Each day seems to bring another disaster.” These are concerns I frequently hear from friends. Many days I feel the same way, but I also recognize that giving [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Don’t Give Up!

If you care about justice and human dignity, last week was a very bad week. The Senate’s impeachment trial turned into a farce. While we were distracted by the Senate’s circus, Trump was busy adding to his list of egregious crimes: gutting the clean water act and adding six African countries to his travel ban. As our country morphs [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

What Gives My life Meaning

GUEST POST by SALLY BOWDEN-SCHAIBLE   I look into the bright slate-blue eyes of Olivia and the dark brown eyes of Ruby, my little granddaughters, and I see looking back at me the eyes of Mervet, Kinda and Alma (our friend Yasser’s family) and the little children running up and down the wide stone stairs of Yasser’s apartment building [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Coping with Political Despair

During my church’s coffee hour this past Sunday I found myself in conversation with a politically concerned young woman who was eager to discuss Michelle Goldberg’s New York Times op-ed, “Democracy Grief is Real.” The gist of the essay is that Trump has induced profound political despair among liberals. My companion felt validated [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Goodbye Susan, Hello Lisa!

Lisa Savage, 62, a public school teacher from Skowhegan, Maine had been contemplating her upcoming retirement in the standard ways–a chance to travel, take up a new interest, and more time with the grandkids–when she received phone calls from several Green Party activists asking her to consider a run for the US Senate in 2020 against [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

Struggling with Feeling Powerless

A dear friend bolted through my front door on Sunday morning, distraught,  blurting out,  “I have this awful knot in my stomach. Two mass shootings in 24 hours with 29 dead! If I hear one more official respond to the tune of ‘you’re in our thoughts and prayers,’ I think I’ll lose it.” I tried to console her but I was as shell-shocked [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

The Unstoppable New Congresswomen!

We’re seeing a new phenomenon in American politics in the emergence of progressive women office holders, who aren’t backing down when attacked by the male ruling class. It wasn’t that long ago when the tendency was for women in political offices to respond defensively to male critiques.  Now that’s no longer the case.  As Katha Pollitt, [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub