WOW: Women's Older Wisdom

February 2022
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Home Alone

If you live alone, if your family is scattered far and wide, if you recently lost a partner or spouse, if you can’t afford the plane fare to visit family or to enjoy a holiday escape, you may be feeling miserable and lonely, making [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub
December, 2024 6

Shedding Anger

One of the most valuable lessons aging has bestowed on me is the importance of shedding anger.  The less anger I hold, the more inner peace I possess. I’ve learned to release a lot of my anger by developing new narratives to replace those that made my blood boil. My new story path originated through writing about my mother.  When I submitted [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

The Older Woman’s Superpowers

I’m here to announce that you, the older woman, possess superpowers. I realize this may sound a little crazy because you’re used to feeling diminished through the cultural messages which define you in terms of your aging body. But you’re much more than your wrinkles, reduced flexibility, puffy tummy and gray hair. Maturity has granted [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub

My Unconventional Valentine’s Rituals

Several years ago, when I grew weary of my unpartnered Valentine’s Days limited to red construction paper hearts from my grandchildren or Internet offers of bargain chocolates, I decided to make a ritual of doing something special for myself on Valentine’s Day, so I wouldn’t feel left out. That first year I indulged in a longtime desire [...]

Pat TaubPat Taub