This was Rodney King’s plea in 1992, when he was physically assaulted by the LA cops during that year’s race riots. Thirty-two...
“Can’t we all just get along?”
This was Rodney King’s plea in 1992, when he was physically assaulted by the LA cops during that year’s race riots. Thirty-two years later American society still struggles to “get along.” Now it appears that Trump’s re-election [...]
Pat TaubGifts from the Heart: Mementos and Memories
GUEST POST by JANET WEIL Like probably everyone reading this, I have been flooded with catalogs lately. After my father-in-law died, I handled his mail, including many catalogs as he enjoyed this kind of shopping for family gifts, and I started the mail order madness. Now I’m struggling to get off their lists. That made me think about what [...]
Pat TaubSex in the Lives of Older Women
For several years I taught the course, “Women and Aging” at Portland, Maine’s senior college. Without fail, every time we came to the segment on sex, previously verbal classes suddenly shut down. Their discomfort was palpable. Why are so many older women, among both married and single women, uncomfortable discussing sex? I [...]
Pat TaubThank You’s I Never Got to Say
Poet Victoria Chang’s new book, “Dear Memory,” consists of letters to her deceased parents, asking them questions that have plagued her about her Chinese ancestry. Chang started me thinking about my own incomplete conversations with deceased relatives and close friends. I decided to write my own letters to the dearly departed, but with [...]
Pat TaubMary Robinson, “Women and Nature,” “Passing” & More
Mary Robinson at COP26, Glasgow This week at the Glasgow UN Climate Conference, Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland and the current chair of The Elders at the UN, took aim at world leaders, who unlike poorer countries, are not in “crisis mode.” During a BBC interview she broke down, speaking through tears, beset with worry [...]
Pat TaubGrowing from Vulnerability
Brene Brown, the popular self-help writer and TED speaker, insists that not until we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, can we truly live. You might be scratching your head thinking, “But I feel vulnerable a lot and my life is hardly a bowl of cherries.” This isn’t the association Brown has in mind. She wants us to embrace our vulnerability [...]
Pat TaubHalloween, Mia Mottley, “The Nutmeg’s Curse” & More
Halloween My spirited 17 y.o. granddaughter from Oak Park, Il. dressed as the Grim Reaper for Halloween. Her costume symbolizes the concerns of so many young people, who are desperately worried about their future during these times of climate emergency. Videos from Glasgow show throngs of young climate activists cramming city blocks around [...]
Pat TaubCombatting Loneliness
“I hate coming home to an empty house. The silence can be deafening.” “I can go days without speaking to anyone except the clerk in the grocery store or my mail carrier.” “I rarely reach out to my friends when I’m feeling lonely because I’m too embarrassed to admit I’m lonely.” “My adult daughter tells me to [...]
Pat Taub