GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler...
Can I Live Without Email?
GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler Guide to Gm@il by Ceri Clark “Could I live without email?” The question popped into my head [...]
Being 76
GUEST POST by EILEEN GRIFFIN I did not welcome my seventieth decade. With the arrival of my 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and even the 60s, I crossed each threshold with relief or anticipation or calm acceptance, but always ready. Not so with the 70s. On my 70th birthday, I wanted to open the door and holler “Go away, scat, you have the wrong house.” [...]
The Older Woman Warrior
Who’s the older woman warrior? She’s the older woman, who believes in doing her part to make her community and the world a kinder, more just place. She cares deeply about the planet her children and grandchildren will inherit. She’s not afraid to stick her neck out. She figures she doesn’t have much to lose given her advanced age. [...]
Adam Toledo, Two Memorable Documentaries, Memoir Writing & More!
Adam Toledo’s Killing Police killings of unarmed Blacks reached a new low this week when 13 year-old Adam Toledo of Chicago was shot in the chest by police. He was unarmed and holding his hands in the air when he was shot. As a 7thgrader, Toledo is the youngest person to be killed by Chicago police. Will police reform ever happen? [...]
Reimagining The Golden Girls in 2021
Until the lockdown took over my life, I enjoyed a mostly happy solo existence. I read for long uninterrupted periods, took spontaneous walks, cooked whatever I want and ate at odd hours. At the same time I cherished my restaurant meals with friends, meet ups at coffee houses and visits in one another’s homes. When Covid pushed me into [...]
When Knowledge Gets in the Way of Finding Love
GUEST POST by MICHAEL STEINMAN We’re trained from kindergarten to know the answer, and our happiness in the classroom depends on it. At work, on a Zoom meeting, say, “I have no idea,” and the cyber-room fills with disapproving silence. Spiritually, we’re told that self-knowledge is the greatest good. Henry James wrote, “Try [...]
Key West, A Movie Theater Movie, Kids in Cages, Mary Oliver
Key West Images I’m still vacationing in Key West, which is resplendent with memorable images, like the photo looking up at the island’s famous Banyan Trees, or the artful photo of “free” items arranged in front of a shot gun house. Key West is a place where photo-worthy pictures abound. [...]