According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of...
The Collapse of Compassion
According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of marginalized people. Lindsay C. Gibson, author of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents thinks [...]
Two Amazing Films, A Great Read & More!
A New Wonderful Documentary Last night I watched the Zoom premier of Natasha Mayers: an Un-Still Life, an exhilarating documentary about this beloved Maine artist. For decades Natasha has been creating political satire along with amazing three-dimensional images for local protests and 4th of July parades. She’s been arrested numerous times [...]
Two Sets of Keys
GUEST POST by MICHAEL STEINMAN At the Malt Shoppe, circa 1950, the couple has two straws in the tall glass. Delicious. But what if you want your very own malted? Is that the end of the dream? When I began online dating (2005), I had old-fashioned goals. I’d escaped an abusive marriage and dreamed of a rewarding one while I [...]
Texas Storm, Molly Ivins, Granddaughter Jane & More
Storm-Wrecked Texas Looking at photos of Texans, standing in the bitter cold, huddled under blankets, forming long lines for water and food, left me furious and heartsick. Have we become a third world country, where only the privileged are taken care of? The one redeeming factor to the Texas storm tragedy is that Ted Cruz was caught flying [...]
Learning to be Positive in Hard Times
I wake up most mornings vowing to be positive, but it’s hard to maintain a positive mindset when it’s bitter cold out, eliminating a walk, and when contacts with friends and family are relegated to phone calls and Zoom. The longing for in-person contacts sends my positive intentions out the window. It became clear that I needed an approach [...]
Last Things, New Beginnings
GUEST POST by BARBARA BENGELS Do you remember what you were doing (or planning to do) when Covid shut down the world as we knew it? Were you teaching a class, standing in line at the supermarket, planning on seeing a play? Those were my plans; they’re still undone. How do we respond when taken-for-granted opportunities vanish? Well, [...]
Rashid Tlaib, Carey Mulligan, Bernie Meme, a New Mask & More!
Rashid Tlaib Yesterday Rashida Tlaib, US Representative from Michigan, delivered a teary speech on the House floor, describing how she has been besieged with anti-Muslim hate mail and threats from her very first day in office. While she wasn’t at Congress during the January 6th coup, she felt traumatized by it, fearing she would have been [...]
Women’s Circles That Transformed My Life
A recent Facebook posting described how elephants form a protective circle around an elephant giving birth, started me thinking about the women’s circles that have supported me and transformed my life. One circle that looms from the ‘70s was the one that accompanied the birth of my first child. David was born at a time when women were [...]