According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of...
The Collapse of Compassion
According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of marginalized people. Lindsay C. Gibson, author of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents thinks [...]
Silver Linings From the Lockdown
In the beginning of my lockdown I was antsy: irritated at not being able to see friends, eat out, and plan a summer trip with my grandchildren. My days were endless and depressing. Once I settled into the lockdown, I began to re-examine my lifestyle choices. Why had I been making all those trips to the mall for clothes I didn’t need, or [...]
Country Tranquility, COVID Insight, A Good Zoom & More
Country Tranquility This weekend I’m opening my country retreat, a little over an hour’s drive from Portland, Maine. My soul comes alive here. It can breathe here. I feel very fortunate to have this space. No car noises, only chirping birds and the wind whispering through the trees. Here’s an image of my garden coming to life. [...]
Why Do Mothers-in-Law Have a Negative Image?
When my oldest son became engaged, a luncheon was arranged to introduce me to his finance’s family. The scrutiny I received from my future daughter-in-law’s sisters made me feel like they were from the CIA. I experienced the uncomfortable sensation that I was being sized-up to determine the extent to which I’d be a problematic mother-in-law. [...]
Books and Videos for Your Hibernation
My mother’s spirit was whispering in my ear, “Lockdown is the perfect time to clean your closets, messy kitchen drawers and disorganized office.” I shooed her away insisting that I’ll get around to cleaning eventually. I explained that until I find my equilibrium I need pleasurable diversions like books and films. This week I’m [...]
Good Medicine: Handwritten Letters in the Time of Covid-19
GUEST POST by ZOE FITZGERALD-BECKETT Texting, and tweeting, and all the social media posting apps are a part of life now and serving in their way to keep us informed and in touch. But as a prescription for healing and strengthening our spirits during COVID-19, I recommend picking up a pen and writing a letter. Two years ago, a health [...]
May Day, Tara Reade, Coping with Humor & More!
May Day, 2020 May Day is traditionally the holiday for Beltane, which celebrates earth’s fertility as trees and plants awaken from their winter slumber while farmers and gardeners plant new seedlings. Numerous rituals honor the Divine Mother with outdoor dances and prayers—although sadly this year most Beltane rituals will be online [...]