GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler...
Can I Live Without Email?
GUEST POST by JANET WEIL “It is possible that you do not receive many emails at all, in which case I am very jealous…” “A Simpler Guide to Gm@il by Ceri Clark “Could I live without email?” The question popped into my head [...]
Women Who Rocked 2018!
As we approach the end of 2018 it’s tempting to sink into despair over the political and social catastrophes generated by the Orange Monster. Trump steals the headlines with his crazed tweets, obscuring a growing body of female leaders and innovators. I garner hope from all the badass women who rocked 2018, putting heart and soul into [...]