According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of...
The Collapse of Compassion
According to the 2025 Compassion Report from Sanford’s School of Medicine, only 1 in 3 Americans feel compassion for all groups of marginalized people. Lindsay C. Gibson, author of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents thinks [...]
In Praise of Aging Fashion Rebels
I love to see older women who are not slaves to fashion and who aren’t afraid to assert their individuality. This month two renowned actresses, Frances McDormand, 60, and Glenda Jackson, 81 received major acting awards. When they delivered their acceptance speeches both women shunned the predictable awards attire of lavish gowns, high heels, [...]
“Never Again,” A 14th Birthday, Pilates & Lorraine Hansberry
“Never Again” The Parkland, Florida school shootings dominated the news again this week. In response student survivors of the shooting launched “Never Again,” their campaign for gun control. Emma Gonzalez, a senior at Parkland High made national news as clips of her rousing speech circulated on the Internet. March 24th has [...]
Unforgettable Black Women Writers
For Black History Month I want to honor some of the brilliant African American women writers that have enlarged my worldview. I’m particularly indebted to Audre Lorde, bell hooks, Alice Walker, Angela Davis and Lucille Clifton. I discovered them in the pre-internet era of the ‘80’s and ‘90’s when face-to-face communication was often [...]
Florida School Shooting, My Granddaughter Turns 14, a Hunger Striker & More
Florida School Shooting Like most of you I’m still in shock over Wednesday’s horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida. I can’t imagine losing a child to such senseless violence. I think of my granddaughter who will enter high school next year. It’s apparent that the initiative for gun control will not come from our Congress. It’s [...]
Valentines for the Women in My Heart
What better time than Valentine’s Day to pay homage to some of the remarkable women who helped shaped me? My mother, Jane Conrad, provided me with a love for art, escorting me to my first art museum (Washington, DC’s National Gallery of Art) at age 9. I was awed by the marble columns and huge masterpieces in elaborate gold frames. Mother [...]
My Cottage, A Weekend Retreat, Netflix Binging & More
My Country Cottage Last September I purchased a tiny, 1930’s cottage in Waldoboro. It’s a fixer-upper, and since I’m not handy with tools, I’ve hired a contractor whom I met with last Monday. I’m getting excited about the renovations, esp. the addition of a screened porch. My dream is to hold all day womens’ spiritual retreats [...]
Banishing Regrets!
All things considered I’m managing my old age fairly well. I can check off most of the boxes for health, close friendships, meaningful work, etc., but when it comes to handling my regrets, I’m frequently stalled. I’m haunted over screaming matches with my teenage sons, impatience with my mother when she was dying, love affairs I [...]
Back in Maine, Roast Chicken, Frances McDormand, A Crime Thriller & More
Back in the Tundra It was heavenly to escape the Maine winter for a week. I arrived home late Saturday night after attending the Women’s March in Las Vegas, followed by visits with friends in Palm Springs and a few days with my youngest son who lives in Santa Monica. Here are two photos from the march that didn’t make it into my blog post. [...]